
homemade telescope focuser

As I continued to read, however, I was struck by the many complications of the design and, frankly, how many ways I could screw it up. Before finishing the tube with a wrap of veneer, I wanted to make sure that the primary was in the correct position. As the authors describe the benefits of a truss design, it is hard to dispute their arguments. Low, or Zero slop when changing direction. Since my focuser shaft is 6mm, I ordered the coupler shown here in the 6mm to 8mm version from Amazon. Telescope Focusers | Orion Telescopes: Shop These have slop as you change direction, you can't do fine adjustments, they weigh a ton, and can flex alarmingly over time. Rock Paper Scissors Using Tinkercad Circuits and Arduino, Punchy the MECH & the Autonomous Fight Club, PCB (printed circuit board) - download the, DRV8825 - stepper motor driver chip/board - again, clones available on. If you're not familiar with Arduino, watch some tutorial videos. That way you won't be dropping your drawtube and I used one of the top scraps from the rocker sides to mark an angle of 70 degrees from the center of the arc to the curved cut in order to properly space 1 X 7/8 teflon pads on the arcs. This combination has the best resolution (steps/revolution), so I didn't see any reason to build anything else. It's rigid, lightweight, and More Homemade Refractor Telescope DIY Erecting Prism Binoviewer Focuser here: Did you make this project? I ordered the focuser, received an immediate email confirming the order, and it arrived two days later. Building Your Second Homemade Telescope - Part 1 - HubPages I wanted a tight / press fit, so I only added half that, 0.25mm. Thanks again for the 'ible. Above youll find an interactive 3D rendering of the Sketchup file I used to design and cut all of the parts for my telescope. The pieces were cut down to 15 3/8 and 14 3/8, allowing just under 1/8 inch on each side. This means I can use FocusMax to do the focusing. PVC pipe makes great drawtubes. The arc at the top of the sides needed to have a radius 1/8 inch larger than that of the side bearings to account for the thickness of the teflon pads that would fit between. I call shenanigans on every picture in this post except for the the moon. that is a great website that guy has some fantastic photos. Using a compass, I drew lines for the inside and outside of the Ebony Star ring on the top and bottom of the rocker bottom. I then attached the Ebony Star ring using contact cement. We tried this in our back yard, but found that it was too difficult to aim both the tube and the moving mirror at distant trees in our suburban yard. That is dirt cheap compared to the cost of commercially available focusers, which can top $1000 and are much heavier than what we will build. Along with some silver bits You will need to order one sized for your telescope's focuser shaft size. PhotoPictureResizer_190723_214534574_crop_2558x3105_copy_1023x1242.jpg. All Orion 1.25" and 2" telescope focusers are engineered to provide smooth drawtube action to ensure you hit the exact focus point . like, you can have as much focuser travel as you want no matter how Knitting needles are A 10 inch scope would not be very much longer or heavier than my 6 inch, yet it would allow me to see much more. Telescope Magazine. With an outer diameter of 14 3/16, I cut the Tube Box sides 15 5/8 and 14 5/8slightly less than my extra inch extra on each side. The wide square footprint would make it pretty stable when mounted to really stiff and light for their size, and even though a #2 is pretty Position "0" is with the focuser all the way IN (at least for a refractor). I paid the 50% deposit and dreamed of DSOs. Headers for the LEDs, buzzer (2-pin) and temperature probe (3-pin). A bit of a monster! ill ask him for a detailed list of what he used and when i get that ill post it here for you. a try. A smart collection of books, magazines, electronics kits, robots, microcontrollers, tools, supplies, and more I told them to take their time and get it right. How to build a 12.5 inch closed tube Dobsonian telescope. Our websites use cookies to improve your browsing experience. Here is what I was working on but looks like I need a better design. Perfect for visual observations with very heavy mirrors. knitting needle where it goes through the hole, so it's not a big deal, Building the mirror box is tricky, because the entire optical assembly (mirror cell, mirror box, trusses, secondary cage) must balance at the center of rotation of the arms. Measure the diameter of the exposed shaft. Helical is one of the option i am considering. Gift the gift of Make: Magazine this holiday season! I tried this one first and found it wouldn't work for my application. Once I had my design set, I was ready to buy the parts. Save over 40% off the annual cover price for a full year (4 issues) of Make. I carefully cut exactly through the center of each side bearing circle to make my semicircles. "https://ssl." The last time I checked, that particular SBIG camera used on TelescopeGeek had an eight month lead time.A 20" scope gathers 2.6 times more light than a 12.5" scope, therefore equivalent exposures on this one would take 200+ minutes, at least. As I read the book I decided that I should build a 12.5 inch truss tube scope. Share a cool tool or product with the community. large in diameter (1.6") so that adds to the fine-ness of the focus It took about 3 weeks but, since Anttler's did not even reply to the Paypal dispute, I received a Paypal refund. Once you get it working, there's some calibration you need to do. 3D Printed Futuristic Space Age Wall Clock, http://www.cloudynights.com/ubbthreads/showthreaded.php?Cat=0&Number=4721255. After another 3 weeks, I was concerned that I had not received the mirror. If you go to buy all of the components for this project from dealers, you will see that you mostly have to buy at least 5 parts, sometimes bags of 50 parts! Here is what I was working on but looks like I need a better design. Before I wrapped the tube (and before I discovered the problem with the primary placement) I determined the balance point on the tube. Make the hole diameter fairly snug, too. help eliminate slippage when the focuser is pointed straight upward. I gave them a call and they said they had one on the shelf14 inches in diameter and 12 feet long! It's easy to shim it to exactly 2" with adhesive labels placed one at a time inside the tube until a 2" eyepiece or 1.25" adapter is snug. focusers for that project. was straight so I wouldn't get a wobbly knob. This software creates a model of your telescope by measuring out of focus star sizes at various points. I attached keepers 1 inches wide by 5 inches long, extending above the bottom of the arcs by about 1 inches. I decided to use baltic birch because it is recommended by Kriege and Berry as well as many online sources. the side of a rigid secondary cage. It just I drilled the holes in the center of the ground board and rocker bottom using a 9/16 bit, thinking that I needed the extra 1/16 so that the spacer could move. This unit takes signals from your computer and drives the stepper motor on the focuser. I decided to order an aluminum mirror cell from University Optics instead so that the mirror could be supported at 9 different points. Once I decided to build a scope myself I had to decide on the aperture of the scope. You really need a step ladder even for my 10" when pointed overhead. This arrangement turns 100% true, no wobble. The telescopes size is classified by the size of its mirror. This scope was originally made as a travel scope using an eight inch mirror that I ground and polished at the St Pete Astronomy Clubs Mirror Lab. After the second call, I received a response that it would be ready at the end of the following week. It may need some careful coaxing with a screwdriver. How to make diy focuser pvc - YouTube Sew the seam, and sew an elastic cord into the top to secure it to the secondary cage. The drawings are only approximately to scale. Inside the OTA is a ring of tightly fitting flocking paper that prevents any light getting in around the drawtube. forces the knitting needle against the drawtube and the drawtube against All i did was supply the telescope as far as his camera equipment i dont know what he used i never saw it all i know is he had my scope for about a month while i was traveling and he gave me these photos. It has reminded me of one of my long term aims to make a telescope that has been buried by the demands of the rest of my life! I also doubled the thickness of the rocker sides (not the front wall) to provide better support for the heavier tube. Best Wishes, Reply Overall, I'm very happy with the outcome of this project - focusing is now a joy. I have seen some VERY impressive photos similar to those, taken with Nikon D700 and D300 cameras, with the proper filters- and mounts- on a quality scope. My DIY Motorized Telescope Focuser - YouTube I use a 3D printer and an old gear motor to create an electronic telescope focuser.This is my first attempt at voiceover, I'm using a headset. Let me see if I can get similar plumbing parts here. And the legs of the base should be as wide as possible to accommodate weight imbalance as the telescope is moved around, to avoid tipping. Now I can simply insert the PVC cap on the end of a 4" pvc tube. I am a retired USAF electronics engineer, and might even do much of the construction of the base with welded structural tubing, as, I do have a complete metal working shop besides my wood shop, here. The current needs to be adjusted on the DRV8825. SDO/HMI Continuum Image on 2023.03.04 at 1259 UT, Remote computer working with no extra networking. You will need to order one sized for your telescope's focuser shaft size. Able to shift heavy loads of kit ie over 1000g. The bigger upvc nut will be attached to focuser plate and longer threaded side will be used on it for the focusing. Able to make myself using my own humble tools (or toys as the pros will call them!). Once Id built a CNC router, I embarked on my third telescope, featuring a 16 primary mirror with aluminum trusses, wide vertical bearing arcs, a steel front-adjustable mirror cell, and a rotating base. the drive shaft close against the drawtube. During assembly, youll attach the trusses to the mirror box, then sit the secondary cage on top and bolt everything in place. The flat wants to be running parallel to the long axis of the tube. For my project I needed a 14 inch diameter, and I had a tough time finding one. Here we see the following components installed: Notice we are NOT populating the parts of the board intended for Wifi or BLED. Having an RS trade counter 2 miles away is such a luxury! I called to express my concern and was told that it had all been packaged a few weeks ago and that it should have been sent. Thin-wall aluminum tubing is used to attach the mirror box to the secondary cage. I had considered using a clear finish alone, but decided to use a dark red finish on the base and a clear finish on the tube, just because I like the look. Using heavy grit sandpaper I brought back the surface of the keeper enough for the side bearings to fit inside the felt pads. Once the pieces were cut and I held them around the tube, I decided to cut them a bit smaller because the extra space was too much. I brought a saw with me so that I cut it in half to fit in my minivan. needle adds no friction that I can feel to the focus action. Read the documentation though, there are a lot of functions and options. And a couple of upright bearing blocks. After the pieces were glued together, I used a belt sander to smooth out any rough edges, being careful to keep both rocker sides and both side bearings exactly the same. crafts, science & engineering, design, and technology. spambots that search the internet for addresses to send junk mail to.) Quick demo of my motorized focuser, and I will create a detailed tutorial if enough people are interested. Fast forward a few months to the next time I had the tube outside. The last chapter of the book describes a plan for an 8 inch sonotube dob with a few design elements from their truss design, and, as I read that chapter, the simplicity of its construction was very appealing. My DIY Motorized Telescope Focuser - YouTube Crayford focusers are considered superior to entry-level rack and pinion The only thing on the list that was a bit difficult to find was baltic birch plywood, which had to be special ordered from the lumber yard. I suspected that the company was either in trouble or no longer in business. The secondary holder is adjustable, so I could didn't have to get the location perfect. On the cutting diagram, you can see that the side bearings were cut 26 inches long. I got a different stain, tested it, and went back to work. Like i said these are not my photos and i cannot coment on exactly how he set it up as i was not there all i can say is i saw the mount he used when he picked up the telescope. Deep space photos like these require HOURS of exposure for each one. Brandon Lawler is a hobbyist telescope Maker and an active member of the Central Texas Astronomical Society. The focal length of the mirror is 61 inches. I am well versed in technology, have all the tools necessary to build my own! Fairly easy to build and could be adapted to suit any SCT focuser. I called to express my concern and was told that it had all been packaged a few weeks ago and that it, For complete instructions on building a telescope such as this one, I strongly recommend buying a copy of, After cutting the circles for the side bearings, I set up the jig to cut the curved edges of the rocker sides. in the tube so they'll hit the knitting needle before your drawtube runs Using plywood, make 4 attachment blocks to pair the trusses together and create a small ledge for the secondary cage to rest on while you secure it. You won't need to write any sketches from scratch, but you will at least need to figure out how to upload them to the Nano. For the ATMer I do find that there are an endless number of parts that can be designed and printed for home built telescopes and binoscopes. This motor is available on Amazon. This simple homemade device will reduce star trails far better than if the camera was mounted on a tripod alone. I then ran a bead of glue on the mark, and after it dried I cut out the nylon up to the glue. Pioneered by John Dobson in the 1960s, the instrument combines a Newtonian reflector telescope with a unique two-axis movable base. Start with the small components first. I had some carboy caps that make good knobs. 100A81BF-2145-44D5-BC76-66DBF43BAD58.jpeg. I am working on a diy focuser design for my 6" F/8 telescope and asking suggestions for simple focuser. corners of the squares provide nice nooks for the eyepiece and eyepiece The blue pieces of the rocker box and ground board are arranged as in the diagrams in (figure 2). So, as they say, "back to the drawing board". We are now ready for some testing. he might just have a $3200 camera, they aren't very hard to come by. Share it with us! Most people will want a knob on With Simple, Homemade Telescopes, You Can Explore the Stars (Op-Ed) Thanks for the great comment. The glue should keep the nylon from fraying. Some of these are essential for the basic functionalities of our websites. I had designed the tube box so that there would be an extra inch around the tube. I attached them with very small brads, countersinking the brads. Several of my Recent Images have been focused with this system. DO NOT drill out the holes in the board! My plan for wrapping the tube seemed good, but I am not too pleased with the final result. To place the primary mirror, I installed the secondary and installed the primary in the mirror cell. the interior diameter is just a nudge over 2". I Hope to give you ideas if you are thinking about building one for yourself! This focuser (see pic at bottom) was motorised by me several years ago, but the motorised system didn't give me very fine control, and the motor running at fast speed tended to make the Artemis camera crash. Once your telescope is assembled, drape black woven velveteen around the truss assembly, clipping it with safety pins. Make the drawtube longer than you think you'll need, just in Electronics and software automate the process of taking pictures. Every primary telescope mirror has a fixed focal length thats usually 4 to 6 times the width of the mirror. The Dob is really a great design. installations. The plate has slotted screw holes for tensioning the 6mm belt. I began building it in the spring of 2008, but the bulk of the work was done in July of 2008 with first light occurring on July 25. The bearings only need to be The version number "312" here may change if Robert posts new firmware. If you mess up, you can turn the hole into a slot, but avoid A A Pocket Sundial From a Broken Pocket Watch! You can see that my Moonlite focuser was slightly larger than the sides of the tube. i got a email that someone built a telescope close to mine that has seen the stuff in the photos here is a link to his site http://www.synapticsystems.com/sky/scopes/Dob.htmlif i seem a bit rude please forgive me i just spent 12hrs in a plane i have jetlag and im sitting in a airport.i would like to thank lvlasertech for keeping this instructable lively and informative. His project is very well documented. together tech enthusiasts, crafters, educators across the globe. I took the whole tube assembly outside. on Introduction. You reach a point where the picture doesn't seem to change much, so you never know where the very sweetest spot in the focus is. It had been described by many as the most important recent volume for anyone planning to build a dob, and I have to agree. I suppose that one could complete this project without these two tools, but it would be difficult to cut the pieces accurately enough for a good fit. The part is very strong! Here are a few photos of the "bracket", which is a simple 3D printed plate that mounts to the telescope's focuser ring, and serves as a mount for the stepper motor. The diameter of the focuser is usually indicated in inches. wobbly knob still works, and adds character. I had installed the mirror about an inch too far away from the focuser. It took a lot longer than I expected to receive my mirror and other parts from Discovery. The hole did need to be enlarged slightly by moving the bit within the hole , but in the end, the fit seems right. and hope it doesn't fall off Then it was time to stain and finish. When the skies were dark enough for observing I found that the scope moves easily into position and holds that position well. The lumber yard also gave me a lower price than I expected. Finally, I attached Keepers to the sides of the rocker at the bottom of the arcs using screws and glue. I added three inches for a margin of error and in case I need to rebalance the tube in the future, making a distance of 25 inches from the balance point of the tube to the rocker bottom. Motion is very smooth. I marked the expected position of the secondary by measuring 61 inches down from the end of the tube. Upload that main sketch to the Nano. Before attaching the sides and front to the bottom with wood screws, I wanted to make sure those screws would not interfere with the Ebony Star ring that would be attached to the rocker bottom. I used a hole saw to cut a wooden plug to fit inside the That's pretty much the focuser. Thank you for your pages. My secondary is 4; for tips on choosing size, click here. Showcasing amazing maker projects of 2022. During on-site assembly, attach each truss to its mounting T-nut using a bolt with a thumbscrew knob. Building a Homemade Telescope Eyepiece - HubPages ScopeStuff is awesome!! This extra space would allow the tube to be repositioned within the tube box to rotate the eyepiece or balance the tube. I built mine entirely from CNC-cut plywood, and fastened it together with 2 bolts. Again from the main FILES page, go to "ASCOM DRIVERS" and download everything. A few months later I ordered some other things from Scopestuff, including strips of Ebony Star laminate for the side bearings, a ring of Ebony Star for the rocker bottom, a strip of teflon to cut pieces for the ground board and side bearings, and a new base for my Telrad finder. Homage to Homemade Crayford Focusers - Cloudy Nights If the telescope rotates forward or backward on its own, then the mirror box is too deep or too shallow. Pioneered by John Dobson in the 1960s, the instrument combines a Newtonian reflector telescope with a unique two-axis movable base. Frustrated by these difficulties, I stopped by one more hardware store to ask for advice. Now attach the screw eyes and the rubber band on the side of the board. Quick demo of my motorized focuser, and I will create a detailed tutorial if enough people are interested. Make an account on JLCPCB.com, upload the Gerber zip file, that's it! I started by trying to drill out a metal gear for the focuser shaft. If you want a Crayford focuser with a knob instead of turning the draw tube, then Jerry Oltion's designhttp://www.jerryoltixycrayfords.htm using box frames and knitting needle drive shafts is also a fairly easy build. The mirror itself must also be able to tilt in three dimensions in order to aim its light at the secondary mirror (a process called collimation). It turned out that they had an incorrect zip code and the package was still waiting to be sent. A homemade 16 inch dob lightweight telescope, DS-4 - XMission In the "ARDUINO FIRMWARE" folder, in it you will find a ZIP file "myFP2-Firmware 312-1.zip". I would also like to know about how you can take such fantastic pictures without a field rotator and an autoguider system. Parts List (the full story of acquiring the parts), The primary, secondary, spider and secondary holderDiscovery Optics. To hold the tube in place within the tube box, I used a combination of pieces of felt inside the box and wooden shims between the tube and the box. Robert Brown did an excellent video on how to work out your stepper motor requirements. In order for the Rocker Box to pivot on the Ground Board, a center pin is placed in a hole at the exact center of the Ground Board and Rocker Bottom. you could probably space the bearings 3/4" apart instead of 1" and mount To interface with the computer, I have used the Artemis Focuser module from Steve, Arthur and Co. Place the focuser, draw the position of the screws with a pencil and remove the focuser. Im quite happy with the result, and the view in its large mirror is phenomenal. It's the same in form, but has a perfect, true 13.35mm hole. To make the hole for the focuser, I used the focuser tube to mark a circle in the shroud. work really well, for a fraction of the cost of a commercial Crayford Easy DIY motorized battery free telescope focuser - YouTube My homemade motorized telescope focuser for Celestron C8. the nylon screws going up from the bottom, but I found the knitting Well, it sort of looks like a focuser.. See pictures below. I described it two years ago in this thread:https://www.cloudyniuser/?p=8879835 . Edited by howardcano, 24 May 2020 - 09:29 PM. DIY Truss Dob input: How to design truss? I used one of these scrap pieces to draw an angle of 70 degrees to the edge of the arc so that I could later place the teflon pads on the arcs. And you can tell it's not a mosaic because the stars at the corners show coma/field curvature artifacts. (Sorry you I only do functional. Actually getting the parts into my hands turned out to be more of a challenge than I would have expected, but in the end, I have a wonderful telescope that I enjoy very much.

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homemade telescope focuser