
forced diversity in advertising

Going by the commercials, one would think that Hispanic and Asian people make up a far smaller percentage of the population than black people, when in fact their number is double. I am truly sorry for what people of color had to endure throughout early American history but white people today had nothing to do with what happened 100, 200 years ago. An industry filled with media creators so oblivious to human psychology and so far up their own pretentious asses, most couldnt portray a believable version of reality if their clients corporate profit-sharing plans depended on it. Sooooo, does this mean we can put systemic racism in America to bed now? Get out and enjoy your life, and leave those miserable techno-fascists behind. The only good Lia has done is prove without a doubt that males are stronger than females. If I had a DVR, I would tape the shows and fast forward right through them. Whats the difference between self-identifying as a feline instead of a different gender. Theres a lot of that in Hollywoodin Die Hard you have the evil blonde bad guy. Their lie is exposed when those with higher Motivational Values are not all white! May be should be renamed critical replacement theory. And if they get some more white women to date black men along the way, all the better. There was a poll released recently that found that nearly a third of the American population felt that they would have to take up arms against the government (ironically, I post this on July 4th). Yet, pay attention to major retailers. Thanks for your input. Life imitates art. Keeping this blog going while working and dealing with all of lifes other challenges is hard, and its comments like yours that make it all worthwhile. Culture war, definitely. Yell and stomp enough, youll get your way. Certainly the George Floyd killing was a catalyst. Even more than Limu Emu and Doug do. And that, right now, is one of the biggest reasons the world is such a hot mess right now. This report from ANA and ANA's Alliance for Inclusive and Multicultural Marketing (AIMM), based on three separate studies among ANA members, concludes that finally, there has been progress in increasing ethnic diversity in the advertising/marketing industry. This leads me to believe that a majority of blacks have finally achieved the American dream and escaped poverty. I just went to the Library of Congress to maybe read some online books..one of the sections had 3 pictures that came up one after another pictures of mostly kids, reading, etc.all 3 had a total of 15 people all black, POC except one white male. What most on this blog are discussing is why for-profit companies believe they should misrepresent their target customers. My question is how do so many different advertisers all develop the exact same racist propaganda? I have been calling these commercial actors as vaguely non-white, This way, the Ad execs avoid pigeon-holing any one raceoh, except the whites where the bearded dad is goofy and the rest of the white family are redheads. And who are they? Ive never gotten that impression. They dont and they shouldnt. Thanks for your comment! However, the. Reparations?..one strong advocate called for 13 Trillion dollars, $300 K per..if only this country could print that much money and get away with it!.and, when i talk with my friends, we all agree, something has to be done..at this point, as an individual, i can only do what i can, and really, there is a lot i can do. The culture is rife with this stuff now . Likewise, movies and TV shows should be about stories, not propaganda, and the same goes there. Based on pure US census data a commercial with 10 actors should have: 6 whites, 2 hispanics, 1 black, 1 other. I think the dramatic shift in commercials is very odd, mostly because I cant quite figure out what corporate America is trying to do. This is hard to explain as the Asian population is larger in UK. Having the belief that you can constantly improve yourself and affect others more positively. Amen to that Debra!!! As another poster mentioned the bullshit detector is immediately triggered. Blm and its little followers are trying to take over the world and that will NEVER HAPPEN!! As you can see from your anecdote, portrayals in commercials, let alone fictional comedy, are damaging as they affect and reinforce peoples formulation of stereotypes. Enough with their double standards crap. Thank God I tape everything so I can fast forward so I dont have to watch this crap. And it all just aint about a disproportionate amount of blacks in commercials. But I am still trying to work in my mind why advertisers, particularly the advertising companies, are such willing participants (I understand why certain multinational corporations are pushing these agendas). None of my posts or replies are hateful, I dont use foul language, dont attack the people who post or who I disagree with although I will use sarcasm occasionally. And it is almost assumed at this point that every other couple is either interracial or gay. I would love to organize SHWM (Single Heterosexual White Males) because we are apparently unrepresented and as such are solely responsible for the oppression of all non-SHWM people! And. I am a somewhat older fellow, and looking back, single events and changes never seemed sinister. Slavery has existed within all peoples over the world. Pierce Brosnan is not the same physical type as Connery. No worries, SL. Sometimes, its hard to tell. Gay couples have no business in shows aimed at three year olds. Great points well stated, Jim. And the viewers are being insulted. I understand that the oscars criteria for being nominated for best picture includes a declaration that the movie pushes equality and diversity, and is socially all inclusive. Consider that Luke Skywalker was 57. Its gotten so bad that I mute commercials, look the other way, or change the channel now. [Thats a clapping hands emoticon in response to Wills comment, for those who dont know. The irony is that at the same time the majority of commercials has switched to 90% black actors, depicting black families living in multi-million dollar mansions, spouses buying each other luxury sports cars for Christmas, climbing Mount Everest, and flying all over the world on European vacations, Hollywood, politicians and the media still continues to debate the issue of how black Americans cant seem to find their way into a DMV without white assistance to get an ID to vote and dont have the money to pay for the ID card, and how its racist to even suggest we have a voter ID card like they have in other countries. I dont feel guilty. being represented in advertising, or anywhere else in media, but when you focus ads on anything other than what youre trying to sell, youre hurting yourself. I became republican for this reason. The irony is, as Im trying to do work for regional brands, our demographic is mainly rural ranchers and small business owners. Good for you for boycotting some of these advertisers. Ignore the diversity on tv, its a bunch of nonsense. About 20 minutes worth of commercials where white people are degraded. I have cancelled my AMEx card. I believe youre right on the money from your refusal to use Google services all the way through to your predictions for the end of the dollar. And I am married to a black woman, so its not like I am against it, but it has gotten way past ridiculous at this point. Hi, Jason. On occasion, I myself have heard black people admit that their fellow blacks purposely behave counter-culturally to whites. As you can imagine, and as we have discussed here, whites and (especially) Hispanics are grossly underrepresented while blacks are grossly overrepresented. Never mentioned is the fact more white folk are shot and killed by the police than are black folk. Wish the 80s and 90s were back, where people actually cared about each other and understood each other. An example. Orthere are a lot more blacks in America than I thought. Diversity in TV advertising has improved in the ensuing years. Avoiding them is not racism. Liberals. 5% dont practice any religion. Its really too bad its come to this. Its poisonous, and we have to stop letting people who would use race as a cudgel like this keep getting away with it. And the corporate media including Big Tech are not just complicit, theyve been captured completely. I guess if you can have fake news why not fake commercials. Why wouldnt you show more people that look like the ones consuming your products? Now that you are aware, youll start to notice it yourself. Modern Disney loves her plan! Considering how many Jewish people are said to own and run media companies, the lack of Jewish representation does indeed strike one as odd. Pew Research indicates that roughly 40% of the U.S. population is a racial or ethnic minority. But the people behind the ads are all for this. But theyd still need to scroll down and will see white fathers along with obligatory POC. By doing so you are only infuriating the general public. (See Coke.) can allow opinions they agree with but refuse/censor conservative opinions & perspectives they DONT agree with. In fact, 67% agree that it is important that the companies they buy from celebrate diversity of all kinds. Youre not going to see a straight white male in a commercial unless its to play an idiot with a lampshade on his head or if they need one to play a home intruder in a SimpliSafe commercial. They need to work with the police and clean up their own communities. Seeing the new Top Gun was so sad. I just want, as Tool says in Aenima, Mom to come and put everything back together again. I too see the stupidity in it, and resent and push back against it. As a blue-eyed blonde woman, I havent seen anyone that looks like me in tv commercials for quite some time. It seems like the kind of thing that should reach a more nominal ratio in time. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), claiming that white people are undercounted, ethnic minority consumers actually prefer to see white people in ads, an article condemning Western brands and advertisers for overlooking the vast and diverse Muslim population, this survey from YouGovAmerica, Muslims account for just 1 percent of the U.S. population, their purchasing power is growing 70 percent faster than that of non-Latinos. Even more telling, the. I believe most everyone is getting tired of race, gender, and politics infesting everything from advertising to sports, entertainment and beyond. Also, another very subtle message was an ad that had Grandma and Grandpa sitting in the backyard with their grandson and granddaughter running towards them. Yours is a perfect example of how the current push for forced diversity is having real, negative consequences on people, on industries, and on the culture. But this is not happening just in commercials, look at all media. Not like I am an advocate for blonde men or anything but more just an observation. Why not? I like you already, Cathi! This is planned cultural change to foment divisionand it seems to be working well for them. People need to be made aware that they are being misrepresented on company boards. I have ad blocks on youtube and on many websites. Its getting tiring seeing everyone and everything become obsessed with skin color, gender, gender identity, etc. What can a brown man give me that a White man cant? So its actually had the opposite effect that the companies are going for. If you note the 30 posters on the walls, there is one white, straight male. I understand these ad people are maybe trying to achieve some kind of authenticity and will always try to protect themselves by claiming their ads are aspirational i.e. Boy.. America lost its spine. The reason they look so out of place is not because POC dont enjoy a good hike. The reason why you see white girls with black babies is because they pay blacks to get them then pay them every month til the child is 18. Also annoying are the interracial couples. Excellent points. Interesting, on his website there are no blacks working at his firm. It really has very little to do with cultural norms and more to do with economics. Isnt it just a little bit racist of advertisers to tell us that blacks and other people of color must walk, talk, dress and behave like white people, and partake in activities favored by whites, in order to be successful? I was not brought up like that. This is so far off what is anecdotally obvious to the average TV viewer, that it suggests erroneous data. I note in your article statistics on the percentage of each race in the population (citizens or non-citizens?) Garbage collectors? I am a 30 year old White woman and its changed so much over the past 15 years. This blatant punishment of white males should be illegal, as it should be to all races of people. Just wow. Thank you! Any time you want to get together and teach Mr Fuckerburg a lesson in humility just say the word. But boy, Ive learned since then!! I just watched a commercial for Lowes that refers to Christmas as Winterfest gifts. But unfortunately, Big Tech doesnt want us to. The body-positivity trend has especially gripped womens magazines, and more than one social commentator has taken these publications to task for celebrating and glamorizing unhealthy lifestyles. If Id replied with anything but an acknowledgement that yes indeed, todays advertising industry is totally overrepresenting black people and making white people look like idiots, then that would have told you that I was a lunatic, or at least intellectually dishonest, and that this blog was not worth your time. Do black people love hockey? there are rows and rows of subsidized homes, with yards and a garage (meaning a sizeable chunk of the cost was paid for by taxpayers)..i have no garage and have to hope some of my irritating white trash neighbors dont have their buddies park in MY designated spot. Especially when hispanics are +20% of the population and black people are 14%, but black people are completely overrepresented in media and commercials. We all have! It gets stronger over time. etc.not racism, but facts that prove their babble crap are myths They believe that if they continue to show 70%+ minorities in ads they can make everyone believe the country is majority minority. Spot on Cranky! I think the word to go warpspeed on this issue was given about five years ago, with a major increase 28 months ago. Thanks, Kinchan. According to 2020 Census data, white people make up 61.6 percent of the population, black people 12.4 percent, Hispanics or Latinos 18.7 percent, and Asians 6 percent. But to look at these commercials youd think that 90% of the country was black and theyre only casting commercials to reflect the demographics. Yes, the erasure of strong male role models from American culture is absolutely intentional. Sure, theres probably a small percentage of black and brown folks who live that way, but it seems a cheat, disingenuous and just plain lazy. You certainly can include other customer demographics in your ads to grow marketshare in those groups, but again that is with a solid marketing purpose. Whay ever happened to hiring someone because they are the best person for the job? The problem isnt racism, its woke-ism. As a former marketing communications professional I had enough trouble stomaching the advertising industrys dogmatism even 10 years ago. Has this information crossed the desk of advertising people? I just saw three commercials in a row with mixed-race (black/white) couples/families, including at least one with kids and one with an attractive black woman dating a doofy-looking, ginger-haired white guy. White men are portrayed as imbeciles, weak, and foolish. Over the past few months, its been out of control. Look at the latest Purge movie.its about POC people running around killing White people. Advertising isnt doing the people or themselves any favors. There seems to be a concerted effort among companies to replace white people with black. I was offered one audition to play the stupid, out of shape, sweating know-nothing white male being berated by his wife while trying to buy a mattress. That is the main problem. Its been that way for ages. I do not need to go outside in my front yard and scream to the world I AM GAY!!! Criminally inclined blacks dont burgle anymore. Thanks, Jackson. I remember the globalist-bent ads for Benneton and when Levis and Coca-Cola began pandering directly to blacks. At the end of the day the only ones who really care are probably actors who no longer get called for commercials. I dont see it, yet the advertising industry engages in constant self-flagellation over the lack of black workers. colorful. Statistically this means that the child is more likely to struggle with identity, self confidence, material and financial stability and even a higher paying income. Thank you . A Diversity Report for the Advertising/Marketing Industry (2021) November 16, 2021. Have you also noticed that the majority of the commercials now have rap and hip hop in the background and are portraying things towards kids like the Kool-Aid guy wearing a gold chain and doing rap or hip hop? I have boycotted every company pushing the propaganda. We all have different backgrounds that make us who we are. Thank you for writing this article! Glad you found us, Kristen. Marija Zivanovic-Smith, NCR Corporation, 2. Ive read that White male commercial actors are being dropped by Agents or not being able to secure representation because the employment opportunities for them are dwindling to almost nothing. It's never a mixture of an Asian, Indian, Hispanic, Middle eastern men or women in any of these interracial relationships. Ive noticed the absence of white people too. For now, the only thing equitable about all this is how equally insulting it is to everyone. You are spot on, except I do have to disagree about the Hispanic and other people of color not being represented well in advertising. Its okay to say what you really think, even if they would have you believe otherwise. Absolutely no hint of animosity between their privileged children (dressed so nicely) and the parents. Forced diversity is contentious because vestiges of oppression, exclusion, and discrimination remain. Ill remind myself you said that the next time Facebook refuses to let me advertise this post due to what they have deemed inflammatory content.. Im not mad at they, but I have no clue what drives Lowes CEO of marketing to go along with the black female diversity officer and they in a cube that says eliminating Christmas is the right direction. Click the DOWNLOAD NOW button for the full report. If representation is so important and it is then why dont most advertisers bother to think even one shade beyond skin color to represent nonwhite races and cultures as something more than copy-and-paste color-palette swaps of affluent white people? Rachel Montague, Gourmet Services, Inc. Its all well and good to proclaim a desire for diversity, but companies need to be careful they arent treating it flippantly, because their audience will see right through it. but theirs are not witty, not cute, w./ nothing endearing. How many rainbow-colored logos did you see in June? Actually, If you watch TV ads in the UK these days, you will see tokenism a group of black people with one white friend. blacks commit crime at higher rates The Kellogg brothers were Seventh Day Aventists who preached that meat is evil, advocating a grain and veg based diet. Also note that Americans happily and overwhelmingly voted for this black man to be their president. If I didnt know better, Id say it almost feels like many of these commercials were written with white people in mind, and then black actors were hired for the sake of diversity.. Remember the Starbucks red cup debacle from a few years back? Theyd hire a token white guy and a token Hispanic, no Asians. No strong white young men in Star Wars? I resisted Facebook for years and opened up an account only when I had a small business and wanted to advertise to my community. America GET YOUR BACKBONE BACK AND START SAYING NO TO THESE PEOPLE!!! Amen! Your article was on the top page of my search but it was on DDG. I am a pasty white Irish girl with blonde hair and blue eyes and I rarely see a woman who looks like me in any ad today and thats not because theyre all black, its because theyre all just not white.

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forced diversity in advertising