
robert depalma paleontologist 2021

By Nicole Karlis Senior Writer. Robert DePalma | KU Geology - University Of Kansas Robert A. DePalma1,2, David A. Burnham2,*, Larry D. Martin2,, Peter L. Larson 3 and Robert T. Bakker 4 1 Department of Vertebrate Paleontology, The Palm Beach Museum of Natural History, Fort Lauderdale, Florida; 2 University of Kansas Bio- [2][3] The full paper introducing Tanis was widely covered in worldwide media on 29 March 2019, in advance of its official publication three days later. Petrified fish with glass spheres, called ejecta, were also at the site. Tales of Dinosaurs Past | Biomedical Odyssey Still, when During submitted her manuscript to Nature on 22 June 2021, she listed DePalma as the studys second author. When asked for more information on the situation on January 3, a spokesperson for Scientific Reports said there were no updates. The Dakotaraptor fossil, next to a paleontologist for scale. Dont yet have access? This dinosaur, a giant reptilian, lived during the Early Cretaceous period in oceans. A fossil, after all, is only created under precise circumstances, with the dinosaur dying in a place that could preserve its remains in rock. . Tanis (fossil site) - Wikipedia Sir David Attenborough is to examine the mystery of the dinosaurs' last days in a BBC1/PBS/France Tlvisions feature film that will unearth a dig site hidden in the hills of North Dakota. Melanie During suspects Robert DePalma wanted to claim credit for identifying the dinosaur-killing asteroid's season of impact and fabricated data in order to be able to publish a paper . But two months before Durings paper would be published, a paper came out in Scientific Reports reaching essentially the same conclusion, based on an entirely separate data set, Science reported. Robert DePalma made headlines again in 2021 with the discovery of a leg from a . By Robert Sanders, Media relations | March 29, 2019. Last modified on Fri 8 Apr 2022 11.20 EDT. Credit. Additional fossils, including this beautifully preserved fish tail, have been found at the Tanis site in North Dakota. This is misconduct, During wrote in an email to Gizmodo. If the team, led by Robert DePalma, a graduate student in paleontology at the University of Kansas in Lawrence, is correct, it has uncovered a record of apocalyptic destruction 3000 kilometers from Chicxulub. All rights reserved. Bob was born in Newark, NJ on December 26, 1948 to the late James and Rose DePalma. [5] Secrecy about Tanis was maintained until disclosed by DePalma and co-author Jan Smit in two short summary papers presented in October 2017,[2][3] which remained the only public information before widespread media coverage of the full prepublication paper on 29 March 2019. Other geologists say they can't shake a sense of suspicion about DePalma himself, who, along with his Ph.D. work, is also a curator at the Palm Beach Museum of Natural History in Wellington, Florida. The first two were conference papers presented in January of that year. [5] The microtektites were present and concentrated in the gills of about 50% of the fossilized fish, in amber, and buried in the small pits in the mud which they had made when they contemporaneously impacted. ^Note 2 If two earthquakes have moment magnitudes M1 and M2, then the energy released by the second earthquake is about 101.5 x (M2 M1) times as much at the first. This is not a case of he said, she said. This is also not a case of stealing someones ideas. From the size of the deposits beneath the flood debris, the Tanis River was a "deep and large" river with a point bar that was towards the larger size found in Hell's Creek, suggesting a river tens or hundreds of meters wide. And mass spectrometry revealed the paddlefishs fin bones had elevated levels of carbon-13, an isotope that is more abundant in modern paddlefishand presumably their closely related ancient relativesduring spring, when they eat more zooplankton rich in carbon-13. In 2004, DePalma was studying a small site in the well-known Hell Creek Formation, containing numerous layers of thin sediment, creating a geological record of great detail.His advisor suggested seeking a similar site, closer to the K-Pg boundary layer. During described the findings in her 2018 masters thesis, a copy of which she shared with DePalma in February 2019. Tanis: Fossil found of dinosaur killed in asteroid strike - BBC Sir David Attenborough's Latest BBC Film To Unearth - Deadline After trying to discuss the matter with editors at Scientific Reports for nearly a year, During recently decided to make her suspicions public. Robert has been an Adjunct Professor in the Geosciences . DePalma quickly began to suspect that he had stumbled upon a monumentally important and unique site not just "near" the K-Pg boundary, but a unique killing field that precisely captured the first minutes and hours after impact, when the K-Pg boundary was created, along with an unprecedented fossil record of creatures and plants that died on that day, as well as material directly from the impact itself, in circumstances that allowed exceptional preservation. By 2013, he was still studying the site, which he named "Tanis" after the ancient Egyptian city of the same name,[5] and had told only three close colleagues about it. "I just hope this hasn't been oversensationalized.". Victoria Wicks: DePalma's name is listed first on the research article published in April last year, and he has been the primary spokesman on the story . The raw data are missing, he says, because the scientist who ran the analyses died years prior to the papers publication, and DePalma has been unable to recover them from his deceased collaborators laboratory. He is survived by his loving wife,. DePalma gave the name Tanis to both the site and the river. Point bars are common in mature or meandering streams. But there were other inconsistencies at the excavation site the fossils they found seemed out of place, with some skeletons located in vertical positions. "It saddens me that folks are so quick to knock a study," he says. "No one is an expert on all of those subjects," he says, so it's going to take a few months for the research community to digest the findings and evaluate whether they support such extraordinary conclusions. [1]:pg.11 Key findings were presented in two conference papers in October 2017. Last month, During published a comment on PubPeer alleging that the data in DePalmas paper may be fabricated. Get more great content like this delivered right to you! DePalma believed that the fossils found in Tanis, which sat on the KT layer, became collected there just after the asteroid struck the earth. Tanis is a site of paleontological interest in southwestern North Dakota, United States. Cochran says the format of the isotopic data does not appear unusual. With this deposit, we can chart what happened the day the Cretaceous died. Most of central North America had recently been a large shallow seaway, called the Western Interior Seaway (also known as the North American Sea or the Western Interior Sea), and parts were still submerged. Paleontologist Robert DePalma, featured in PBS's "Dinosaur Apocalypse," discusses an astonishing trove of fossils. The x-rays revealed tiny bits of glass called spherulesremnants of the shower of molten rock that would have been thrown from the impact site and rained down around the world. The 1960 Valdivia Chile earthquake was the most powerful ever recorded, estimated at magnitude 9.4 to 9.6. The plotted line graphs and figures in DePalmas paper contain numerous irregularities, During and Ahlberg claimincluding missing and duplicated data points and nonsensical error barssuggesting they were manually constructed, rather than produced by data analysis software. Asked where McKinney conducted his isotopic analyses, DePalma did not provide an answer. It is not even clear whether the massive waves were able to traverse the entire Interior Seaway. There is considerable detail for times greater than hundreds of thousands of years either side of the event, and for certain kinds of change on either side of the K-Pg boundary layer. That same year, encouraged by a Dutch award for the thesis, she began to prepare a journal article. The paleontologist believed that this new information further supported the theory that an asteroid killed the dinosaursalong with 75 percent of the animals and plants on Earth 66 million year ago. November 5, 2015. . [1]:p.8 Instead, the initial papers on Tanis conclude that much faster earthquake waves, the primary waves travelling through rock at about 5km/s (11,000mph),[1]:p.8 probably reached Hell Creek within six minutes, and quickly caused massive water surges known as seiches in the shallow waters close to Tanis. Kansas University, via Agence France-Presse Getty Images Subscribe to News from Science for full access to breaking news and analysis on research and science policy. DePalma purported that these animals died during the asteroid's impact since the glass's chemical makeup indicates an extraordinary explosion something similar to the detonation of 10 billion bombs. During visited Tanis in 2017, when she was a masters student at the Free University of Amsterdam. Numerous famous fossils of plants and animals, including many types of dinosaur fossils, have been discovered there. [23], As of April 2019, several other papers were stated to be in preparation, with further papers anticipated by DePalma and co-authors, and some by visiting researchers.[24]. In fact, there are probably dinosaur types that still remain unidentified, reported Smithsonian Magazine. During and DePalma spent 10 days in the field together, unearthing fossils of several paddlefish and species closely related to modern sturgeon called acipenseriformes. The study of these creatures is limited to the fossils they left behind and those provide an incomplete picture. . Discoveries shed new light on the day the dinosaurs died. [20] The sediment appeared to have liquefied and covered the deposited biota, then quickly solidified, preserving much of the contents in three dimensions. Such Konservat-Lagersttten are rare because they require special depositional circumstances. Bottom right, a small fragment of a marine annemite shell found in the freshwater Tanis deposit. Dinosaurs have been dead for so long,'" DePalma told The Washington Post. 'The day the dinosaurs died': Fossilized snapshot of mass death found "I hope this is all legitI'm just not 100% convinced yet," says Thomas Tobin, a geologist at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa. During the long process of discussing these options they decided to submit their paper, he says. The fact that spherules were found in the fishes gills suggested the animals died in the minutes to hours after the impact. [15][1]:p.8. Vid fyra rs lder fick han p ett museum . Tobin says the PNAS paper is densely packed with detail from paleontology, sedimentology, geochemistry, and more. Appropriate editorial action will be taken once this matter is resolved.. It could be just one factor in a series of environmental events that led to their extinction. By looking through this window into the past, we can apply these lessons to today. They seem to have left the raw data out of the manuscript deliberately, he says. Melanie During suspects Robert DePalma wanted to claim credit for identifying the dinosaur-killing asteroids season of impact and fabricated data in order to be able to publish a paper before she did. At the site, called Tanis, the researchers say they have discovered the chaotic debris left when tsunamilike waves surged up a river valley. Recognizing the unique nature of the site, Nicklas and Sula brought in Robert DePalma, a University of Kansas graduate student, to perform additional excavations. The paper cleared peer review at PNAS within about 4 months. The CretaceousPaleogene ("K-Pg" or "K-T") extinction event around 66 million years ago wiped out all non-avian dinosaurs and many other species. This impact, which struck the Gulf of Mexico 66.043 million years ago, wiped out all non-avian dinosaurs and many other species (the so-called "K-Pg" or "K-T" extinction). Dinosaur Fossil From Day Extinction Asteroid Hit Earth - Insider Since 2013, Sackler has resided at a private property on the outskirts of Austin, Texas. If they can provide the raw data, its just a sloppy paper. In the early 1980s, the discovery of a clay layer rich in iridium, an element found in meteorites, at the very end of the rock record of the Cretaceous at sites around the world led researchers to link an asteroid to the End Cretaceous mass extinction. According to the Science article, During suspects that DePalma, eager to claim credit for the finding, wanted to scoop herand made up the data to stake his claim.. JPS.C.2021.0002: The Paleontology, Geology and Taphonomy of the Tooth Draw Deposit; Hell Creek Formation (Maastrictian), Butte County, South Dakota. ", "Tanis exhibits a depositional scenario that was unusual in being highly conducive to exceptional (largely three dimensional) preservation of many articulated carcasses (Konservat-Lagersttte). In my view, it was an intentional omission which leads me to question the credibility of data. Steve Brusatte, a paleontologist at the University of Edinburgh, says, There is a simple way for the DePalma team to address these concerns, and that is to publish the raw data output from their stable isotope analyses.. With the exception of some ectothermic species such as the ancestors of the modern leatherback sea turtle and crocodiles, no tetrapods weighing more than 25kg (55lb) survived. What's potentially so special about this site? DePalma took over excavation rights on it several years ago from commercial fossil prospectors who discovered the site in 2008. Jan Smit first presented a paper describing the Tanis site, its association with the K-Pg boundary event and associated fossil discoveries, including the presence of glass spherules from the Chicxulub impact clustered in the gill rakers of acipenciform fishes and also found in amber. The formation is named for early studies at Hell Creek, located near Jordan, Montana, and it was designated as a National Natural Landmark in 1966. Subscribe to News from Science for full access to breaking news and analysis on research and science policy. [20], Later discoveries included large primitive feathers 3040cm long with 3.5mm quills believed to come from large dinosaurs; broken remains from almost all known Hell Creek dinosaur groups, including some incredibly rare hatchling and intact egg with embryo fossils; fossil pterosaurs for which no other fossils exist at that time; drowned ant nests with ants inside and chambers filled with asteroid debris; and burrows of small mammals living at the site immediately after the impact. [18], DePalma began excavating systematically in 2012[1]:11 and quickly found the site to contain very unusual and promising features. The findings are the work of paleontologist Robert DePalma, who has previously attracted controversy. [5] Co-author Professor Phillip Manning, a specialist in fossil soft tissues,[19] described DePalma's working techniques at Tanis as "meticulous" and "borderline archaeological in his excavation approach". Underneath a freshwater paddlefish skeleton, a mosasaur tooth appeared. Raising the Bar: Chocolate's History, Art, and Taste With Sophia Contreras Rea It's at a North Dakota cattle ranch, some 2,000 miles (3,220 km) away. Fossilized snapshot of mass death found on North Dakota ranch [citation needed], At the time of the Chicxulub impact, the present-day North American continent was still forming. These dimensions are in the upper size range for point bars in the Hell Creek Formation and compare favorably with modern rivers with large channels that are tens to hundreds of meters wide", "[The Event flood deposits are] indicative of a westward or inland flow direction that is opposite of the natural (ancient) current of the Tanis River", "[The] Event Deposit is restricted to (an ancient) river valley and is conspicuously absent from the adjacent floodplains. Science and AAAS are working tirelessly to provide credible, evidence-based information on the latest scientific research and policy, with extensive free coverage of the pandemic. But just one dinosaur bone is discussed in the PNAS studyand it is mentioned in a supplement document rather than in the paper itself. She and her supervisor, UU paleontologist Per Ahlberg, have shared their concerns with Science, and on 3 December, During posted a statement on the journal feedback website PubPeer claiming, we are compelled to ask whether the data [in the DePalma et al. According to The New Yorker, DePalma also sports some off-putting paleontology practices, like keeping his discovery secret for so long and limiting other scientists' access to the site. TV Paleontologist Facing Backlash After Reportedly Faking Data 2023 American Association for the Advancement of Science. The Hell Creek Formation was at this time very low-lying or partly submerged land at the northern end of the seaway, and the Chicxulub impact occurred in the shallow seas at the southern end, approximately 3,050km (1,900mi) from the site. Three papers were published in 2021. In June 2021, paleontologist Melanie During submitted a manuscript to Nature that she suspected might create a minor scientific sensation. But it's not at the asteroid's crash site. Its author, Douglas Preston, who learned of the find from DePalma in 2013, writes that DePalma's team found dinosaur bones caught up in the 1.3-meter-thick deposit, some so high in the sequence that DePalma suspects the carcasses were floating in the roiling water. The Day the Dinosaurs Died | The New Yorker Th The 112-mile Chicxulub crater, located on the Yucatn Peninsula, contains the same mineral iridium as the KT layer, and it's often cited as further proof that a giant asteroid was responsible for killing dinosaurs (perBoredom Therapy). Robert DePalma (kottke.org) In June 2021, paleontologist Melanie During submitted a . Robert DePalma is a vertebrate paleontologist, based out of Florida Atlantic University (FAU), whose focus on terrestrial life of the late Cretaceous, the Chicxulub asteroid impact, and the evolution of theropod dinosaurs, was sparked by a passionate fascination with the past. Melanie During, a paleontologist at Uppsala University in Sweden, submitted a paper for publication in the journal Nature in June 2021. paper] may be fabricated, created to fit an already known conclusion. (She also posted the statement on the OSF Preprints server today.). Robert DePalma - Wikipedia "Outcrops like [this] are the reasons many of us are drawn to geology," says David Kring, a geologist at the Lunar and Planetary Institute in Houston, Texas, who wasn't a member of the research team. Contributions to The Journal of Paleontological Sciences The 2023 Complete Python Certification Bootcamp Bundle, What Is Carbon Capture? To verify the study's claims, paleontologists say that DePalma must broaden access to the site and its material. Episode . How the dinosaurs died: New evidence In PBS documentary - The Paleontologist Jack Horner, who had to revise his theory that the T. rex was solely a scavenger based on a previous finding from DePalma, told the New Yorker he didn't remember who DePalma was . A wealth of other evidence has persuaded most researchers that the impact played some role in the extinctions. We werent just near the KT boundary. The deposit may also provide some of the strongest evidence yet that nonbird dinosaurs were still thriving on impact day. This whole site is the KT boundary We have the whole KT event preserved in these sediments. Paleontologist accused of faking data in dino-killing asteroid paper She also removed DePalma as an author from her own manuscript, then under review at Nature. Paleontologist Accused of Making Up Data on Dinosaur-Killing Asteroid DePalma made major headlines in March 2019, when a splashy New Yorker story revealed the Tanis site to the world. Instead, much faster seismic waves from the magnitude 10 11.5 earthquakes[1]:p.8 probably reached the Hell Creek area as soon as ten minutes after the impact, creating seiche waves between 10100m (33328ft) high in the Western Interior Seaway. The events at Tanis occurred far too soon after impact to be caused by the megatsunamis expected from any large impact near large bodies of water. It can be divided into two layers, a bottom layer about 0.5m thick ("unit 1"), and a top layer about 0.8m thick (unit 2), capped by a 1 2cm layer of impactite tonstein that is indistinguishable from other dual layered KPg impact ejection materials found in Hells Creek, and finally a layer around 6cm thick of plant remains.

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robert depalma paleontologist 2021