
ned stark harem fanfiction

[Completed, 25 chapters, 155,000 words, rated mature]. AU. avengers fanfiction natasha abuse Lyanna Stark/Ned Stark - Works | Archive of Our Own Hello, she says to the little baby, her second child, her first girl, who clenches her tiny fists with her tiny fingernails, her eyes stormy and wisps of hair dark. I get that he's not fond of his wife, but I still think he's not the cruel type, and separating a mother from her children is cruel. The Sexual Adventures of Ned Stark - Chapter 1 - GOT88 - A Song of Ice And no matter how much she tried, she couldnt stop those dangerous thoughts from running in the back of her head. In chapter 17 of Part 3, Jon's group encounters a group of wildlings in the far north. not telling him the true parentage of Cersei's children. Hell, she finds, is empty and all the devils are at Court. Before her father was killed, she was a Lady, but not really. In a thousand versions of this world, that phrase truly means very little beyond privilege and who you happened to be born to. A hotheaded, outgoing young man. She gives a Ned a pardon for his role in the rebellion and Tarly didn't need a pardon because he had never wronged her. A powerful north that stomps the rest of Westeros or Rich Jon - reddit To anyone who spot him, he is the quiet and dutiful second son. Hot Pie after remaining at Harrenhal returns in the sequel, and rejoins the Starks. This is their story. Drogon pulls Arya away from Elianta's flames, killing Ramsay Snow in his trial by combat, Sansa just as she falls through the Moon Door, Littlefinger tries to blackmail Sansa into marrying Sweetrobin when he finds out that she was in an inn planning to have sex with the Hound, but she stabs him to death when he forcibly kisses her. Fearing that her granddaughter will be framed for her husbands murder, Lady Olenna sends her far north, to Bear Island. 39.5K 904 32 . Sansa landed in a puddle of her own blood, and shed died quickly, quietly. A song of blood and gold (ASOIAF/GOT SI) | SpaceBattles He's quite a badass in Chasing Dragons, but it has as many "leading" characters as ASOIAF itself. Cersei threatens to have Shae killed after Shae saved her and her children's lives. He still despises it but is able to understand it still. Fortunately, Ned is sympathetic towards their relationship and hopes that Stevron Frey (Walder Frey's heir) might be more willing to annul the marriage pact. The Army of the Dead is upon them. He sipped out the tube that was in his nose. Subverted, as Melisandre has taken over that body, and is just biding her time until she can take revenge for her murder and kill Aegon. Stannis suffers through the same thing. A war is not one story; it is thousands speaking at once. Which ends up happening, with Jaime fighting Oberyn Martell. Aaannddd now he is seeing the fight with the Others from the. Melisandre awakening the stone dragon only works to give Aegon one, which makes his crowning himself more legitimate. This story takes place entirely in the canon universe, diverging from GRRM's epic at two points--Ned's execution and Catelyn's murder at the Twins--and examines all the ways that the survival of these two people might have changed events both large and small in the world of Westeros. Even though the knight is too late to save his lady, he gains a kingdom and a queen even fairer than the maid he lost. Their mutual attraction threatens to consume them both. He is placed in the middle of all this against his will, but he must do his duty for House Stark. Winter is coming, but it will not do so alone. The mission to get Lyanna back from the Tower of Joy pitted Ned Stark, Howland Reed, and Theo Wull, such as in canon, as well as Greatjon Umber and Tygett Lannister, against two of the Kingsguard, Lord Commander Gerold Hightower and Oswell Whent, Arthur Dayne having went missing during the Battle of the Trident. Ashara Daynes child lives and Jon Snow is born with violet eyes. The dragon Aegon hoped to be able to use against the Others ends up killing him. The Starks are a pack of wolves. Ashara Dayne Lives. The normally composed Ned Stark punches Alliser Thorne in the face for questioning his choice to have Jon escorting Bran rather than stay to protect Winterfell. Write by: . I have Greyjoy Alla Breve, an actually good self-insert by AndrewJTalon that has the North prevail through wits, science and technological superiority, rather than steamrolling everything with brute force or magic. Ned Stark Lyanna Stark Ashara Dayne Sibling Incest Canon Divergence - Tourney at Harrenhal Tourney at Harrenhal Starkcest | Stark Family Incest (A Song of Ice and Fire) During the Tourney of Harrenhal a jealous she-wolf tries to figure out why the quiet wolf is so interested in a falling star. Ashara quietened immediately, wondering if she was really about to say what she was thinking.I can be his mother. Heal what you have broken. He doesn't even mind the possibility of getting burned alive, as long as he gets to see a dragon. It takes place in the world of the show, but contains descriptive and historical elements from the books as well. She much preferred the activities that the boys of the house took part in. Arya is still on the loose, Tyrion has escaped from the Vale, and Stannis and Renly Baratheon are making plans to take the Iron Throne. A deal with Cersei leaves her married to Joffrey and doing her best to make it from one day to the next. [2,100 words, rated teen]. -EDDARD STARK- The royal procession was an impressive sight. King Rhaegar was hailed for his mercy. The story picks up soon after Ned Starks arrest and Sansa pleading for his life. he communicates with Bran through the Weirwood Tree and sees that Bran's hand has fused with the roots of the tree. The Gods want to have a say in the matters of man. Aegon names his dragon Elianta after his mother Elia Martell. Sandor is willing to risk travel to Winterfell to turn in Theon so as to get into the Starks' good books, while Sansa is willing to become an old maid if she cannot marry him. [Ongoing, currently 30 chapters, 133,000 words, rated teen], When Sansa and Theon flee Winterfell, they encounter someone who can give Sansa a chance to start over. The Lannisters lose much of their famous wealth when the Ironborn sack Casterly Rock. The CLO and CEO had worked together often throughout the year, and it was clear they were interested in one another, but they seemed to be the only ones who didn't notice. doesn't want to be queen and begs Cersei to let her renounce her claim to the Iron Throne. Arya leaked out her marriage to Gendry when he gets arrested at White Harbor. I am Miguel, twenty-eight, born in a world where Eddard Stark is a fictional character, and Eddard Stark, eight-and-ten, Lord of Winterfell and co-leader of the rebellion against Aerys the Mad. The Night's King, during the Battle for King's Landing. Collected on FanFiction.net, cbstevp's creation has more than 45 chapters. Theres a series on ao3 called Good King Ned. Jaime has some things to take care of, namely, one Brienne of Tarth and what remains unspoken between them. In my twist on GOT/ASOIAF, I envision Robb waiting just a moment longer and waiting to receive word back, the conflict would play out very differently. Some three hundred men, knights and freeriders, bannermen and sellswords all clad in fine steel. Rating: Explicit], Myrcella Baratheon always knew she would be married to a man for a political alliance. A monster that claws it's way out when he's far too gone in a cold rage that Ned could never control. We need to think about fixing the heating. Now, everyone wants something different out of their fanfic, so Ive tried to include a variety of Game of Thrones fan fiction styles and genres. It may give you pride, but pride was not a shield you can use in battle. "Gods Ned" Brandon propped himself up with the blunt training sword as he started to breathe the fire out his lungs, he was not tired as he had training matches longer than this, he was however sore in his joints where Ned had focused his attacks to injure Brandon's joints and weak points making exert himself harder as fought through the pain, [A long-running fic that started back in 2015, is currently at 79 chapters, over 680,000 words, and still being updated! The Faceless Men had been hired by the Great Other to kill Jon, and Jaqen H'ghar was the man sent to Westeros to infiltrate the Wall and carry out the contract. After traveling to White Harbor with the Starks and the Night's Watch, the Manderlys (actually Axel Florent) refuse to let them enter the city. Quite jarring in the latter cases, as Stannis was besieged at Storm's End for the entire war and Ned fought in the Rebellion to save his sister and to avoid being killed on Aerys' orders, and actually almost broke his friendship with Robert when he showed happiness at Elia's death. I have replaced Jon Snow with a true born second son of Eddard. The Wolves have reclaimed Winterfell and the Silver Queen flies North. As the years go on, his hopes for a royal marriage wane more and more as he fears the gods' coin flip may have fallen for ill twice in succession. The Many Sons of Winter (Fanfic) - TV Tropes It wasnt until it had started to become a reality, to solidify under her hands, that she started to paint details into the visions of her sanctuary in earnest. [Ongoing, currently 50 chapters, 348,000 words, rated mature], Harry has been in Westeros for a little over six months when he arrives at Castle Darry one evening and sees the ghost of a dire wolf. Game of Thrones | Action Adventure. [Incomplete, 28 chapters, 120,000 words, rated for general audiences], An alternate version of George R.R. Val seems to be this as well, considering her growing love for the noble and brave Jon Snow. Just over two years ago I asked myself those questions, and with the encouragement of some wonderful people I started this story. I just want to read something about the silent wolf being a badass. Since the banker is actually a Faceless Man, he doesn't let it go unanswered. [One shot, 8,000 words, rated for general audiences, Ayra/Gendry and Sansa/Margaery pairings], A Love, Actually AU. Even if she was never alone, it just ruined it for me. Under the direction of General Stannis Baratheon, a small group of rebels band together to stop her and take back their homes and their lives. Unterdessen hat jenseits der Mauer der Angriff der Anderen begonnen, die das Leben in Westeros und Mittelerde bedrohen Fortsetzung des Tolkien/Martin-Crossovers, Having loss battle after battle of the against White Walker threat, the people of Westeros flee, hoping to find a place free of White Walkers. They have no choice. The preferred form of the Great Other when dealing with humans if Ned's vision and a Wildling legend are anything to go by. For more information, please see our Who is going to get killed by Jaime Lannister as . Lord Eddard Stark considers what it means for his Bastard Boy to be a Strangers Prince, and wonders what their alliance could bring for the future of his shattered house. Two sets of memories, held in the same person, yet both of them being the same. For Lack of Honor (ASOIAF SI) | Sufficient Velocity [Completed, 75 chapters, 198,000 words, rated mature], One night shortly after his arrival in Kings Landing, Oberyn is approached in the gardens by a stranger, hooded and cloaked. She acknowledges that Ned had a very valid reason to rebel against her father and pardons him, and, although she intends to have Jaime Lannister killed, she is willing to listen to his story about why he killed Aerys. When Catelyn dies after Robb Stark's birth, Ned is left free to marry Ashara Dayne, the woman he fell in love with at Harrenhal. A talk that will slowly change some of Eddard Stark's views forever. Quick to love, quick to hate. Right when Jon is at the brink of death at the hands of the Others, Lyanna Stark, Rhaegar Targaryen, and Azor Ahai come to Jon in a vision to help Jon realize that he is fire itself, giving Jon the ability to conjure huge bursts of flame for a short period of time to kill the Others surrounding him. . TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. [One shot, 5,000 words, rated explicit], Jaime Lannister and Brienne Tarth are under pressure from their respective fathers to marry and settle down. Doran was able to convince otherwise, and Oberyn has since admitted that was the right course of action. So an older brother decides to take things into his own hands so his brother wouldn't spend Christmas alone. It gets her killed when she does it at the worst time, blaming her brother entirely for Myrcella's death (although she was partially right, since it was Jaime's idea to run away that led to that), but Jaime rightfully points out that many of their problems were caused by Cersei. A monster that kills people around him. Bran also gets an extra serving as his ability to communicate through weirwoods comes with a price. For after all, in a world where the impossible happens, nothing limits me anymore. "We have all been too focused on the eldest brother, Brandon Stark. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (70), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin (111), A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms (67), The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien (2), The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth - J. R. R. Tolkien (2), The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types (2), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (69), R Plus L Equals J | Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen are Jon Snow's Parents (43), Viserys Targaryen (Brother of Daenerys)/Original Female Character(s), Grand Maester Pycelle (A Song of Ice and Fire), Archmaester Marwyn the Mage (A Song of Ice and Fire), Maester Luwin of Winterfell (A Song of Ice and Fire), R Plus L Equals J | Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen are Jon Snow's Parents, Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen Grow Up Together, A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, Will update tags as I go because honestly I'm not sure where this will go yet, this series will have canon-typical levels of violence, the logic of which boils down to 'yeah but I like this part better', this has been called by my worst friend "A Major Stark Wank", also: it's not an encato au but ever since that movie came out it's been called that in my head, Fashionista Ned lives rent free in my head, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Jon Snow & Arya Stark & Bran Stark & Rickon Stark & Robb Stark & Sansa Stark, The Starks get to be happy because I say so, Dark Sister Sword (A Song of Ice and Fire), Quote: Valar Morghulis (A Song of Ice and Fire), Skinchangers & Skinchanging (A Song of Ice and Fire), Gondor hilft Westeros - Band 2: Der Sohn des Feuers, The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth - J. R. R. Tolkien, Elessar Telcontar/Arwen Undmiel (mentioned), owyn/Faramir (Son of Denethor II) (mentioned), Aela the Huntress/Male Dovahkiin | Dragonborn, It takes weeks to go from one end of Skyrim to another, Gendry is a Baratheon (A Song of Ice and Fire), Quote: Chaos is a ladder (Game of Thrones), Benjen Stark & Brandon Stark & Lyanna Stark & Ned Stark, lot of friendships and not enough tags anymore, Ashara Dayne/Catelyn Tully Stark/Ned Stark, There is more but can't do more tags/ I had to delete tags, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, yes this is my comfort fic after reading/watching got and hating martin with all myself (i love him), Sandor Clegane & Jaime Lannister & Arya Stark, Lyanna Stark is The Knight of the Laughing Tree, Alternate Universe - Game of Thrones Fusion, ned stark lives but only like five things are better for it, Are we still pretending the last season didn't happen, Greenseers & Greensight (A Song of Ice and Fire), The Dragon hidden amongst the Wolves and Stars, To all things housed in her silence (Nature always offers a violence), Rhaegal | Daenerys Targaryen's Dragon & Jon Snow, Gendry & Rhaegal | Daenerys Targaryen's Dragon, This Is Not Going To Go The Way You Think, Protective Gendry (A Song of Ice and Fire), Rhaegal | Daenerys Targaryen's Dragon Lives, Ghost | Jon Snow's Direwolf is a Good Boy, and Jon gets a boyfriend and a cool sword, Where Robert finally has that Stark-Baratheon marriage he's wanted for years, Unfortunately not with the people he had in mind, certain people should learn from him and Davos, Where Daenerys loses her throne and her dragon right under her nose, Free Cities of Essos (A Song of Ice and Fire), Azor Ahai Prophecy | The Prince That Was Promised, Lightbringer Sword (A Song of Ice and Fire), It's a little weird but it'll make sense later, Where Rhaegal throws a teenage tantrum and runs away from home, competent chaotic good himbo meets distressed gothic bimbo: the fic, GoT rewrite cause im masochist and petty (what says in the tin), Talisa Maegyr/Viserys Targaryen (Brother of Daenerys), Children of the Forest (A Song of Ice and Fire), jon will be brutal and rutheless when necessary, brienne and jaime become best buds before best lovers, The North and the Riverlands joined Stannis, Several minor pairings that I won't list right now, Some things won't be tagged b/c of spoilers. This work could have adult content. The result? After all winter is coming, - Links - https://m.fanfiction.net/s/8149463/1/, - Keywords - Retelling, Ned stark lives, epic. Even as we speak, they are coming down the Neck. - Links - https://archiveofourown.org/works/17772719#main, - Keywords - old gods, religion of the north, world building, Ned stark, warging, magic, - Rating & Archive Warnings - teen and up, - Summary - A stranger in green robes brings changes and revelations to House Stark of Winterfell. Ned Stark Fanfiction Stories - Quotev 50 Must-Read Stories Of Game of Thrones Fanfiction | Book Riot But the truth is not so simple. [Completed, 45 chapters, 195,000 words, rated mature]. A tiny change turns the fate of the realm on its heels. Varys promptly abandons the Lannister campaign after it becomes clear that they'll never retake King's Landing from Stannis at this point, and leaves Westeros in search of Aegon VI. The last claimant to the throne alive is Daenerys. Please consider turning it on! It doesnt have a major divergence from canon Neds character while still making Ned a BAMF. - King Jaehaerys, Mit der Hilfe von Elessar Telcontar, dem Knig aus der anderen Welt, hat Stannis Baratheon den Eisernen Thron erobert. This Story is written out of Brandon's POV. One last night of peace at Winterfell before the entire world as they know it comes crumbling down. If three of mere fire made flesh should begin the trickle, then it is one of divinity made flesh that will bring the flood. the inability to shut up before it is too late. Enjoy! Cookie Notice I want you to send these men into to King's Landing and if they get the chance I want them to find and kill the dragon. via HBO. Serendipitously, each happens upon the perfect solution: invent a fake significant other. There must always be a Stark in Winterfell, and if there cannot be, then they must at least be prepared. But Eddard Stark leaves the failed rebellion wounded. Ned doesnt take Jon Snow north, he gives him to Oberyn Martell after they meet at Starfall. [Completed, 22 chapters, 135,000 words, rated explicit], I couldnt love him back. "But I pose the question, Lord Stark: why would you strive so high to honour the promise you made to a woman who nothing means to you, and at the same time forsake the one who loves you?". All he wants is have his family at his side and to feel at peace. In Chapter 9 of Part III, Jaqen H'ghar disguises himself as King Stannis and stabs Melisandre to prevent her from killing Gendry, using his disguise to ensure nothing happens to him. Robb Stark, after being killed by Ramsay during their trial by combat. after trying to learn more about his plans to invade King's Landing now that Tywin was killed. Also averted somewhat, as fans have noted, in that none of the Starks have died. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. It is said that magic died with the last of the dragons. They could always mine more gold and rebuild the castle, but they don't have the time to do so and need to focus their resources on the current war. What would have happened to the continent of Westeros if the War of the Five Kings became the War of the Four Kings, and that the Starks would return back North? What changes will he bring to the North as a whole ?. Westeros is in turmoil as the War of the Five Kingdoms rages on. Que har ella cuando se le de la oportunidad? He smiles. Bronn threw out Tyrion's name, and enough people agreed for it to go through. Meanwhile, on the other side of the Wall, beyond the Land of Everwinter, something evil senses the shift and stirs. Ned Stark Playing the Game of Thrones BAMF Arya Stark BAMF Sansa Stark Theon Greyjoy Needs a Hug Ramsay Bolton is His Own Warning so is joffery They both suck Direwolves (A Song of Ice and Fire) Robb Stark is King in the North Jon Snow Knows Something Wildling Rickon Stark Bran Stark is Not a Robot Catelyn Tully Stark Bashing BAMF Ned Stark [1,400 words, rated teen], A fic that givesMissandei a bit more of a backstory. Jon Snow considers the revelation of his true parentage to be one while Stannis suffers a mini, Tyrion admits to Kevan that Lancel had been having an affair with Cersei, that he played a role in Robert's death, and that Jaime is the father of Cersei's children. Work Search: We Found Some of The Most Epic Jon Snow Fanfiction Stories - Women.com And the South would relearn it's fear of the North, as they didn't have their Dragons around to shield them anymore. Eddard Stark swore that he'd never allow his family to be destroyed again. In the duel between Ramsay and Robb, Ramsay takes off his helmet allowing the already mortally injured Robb to stab him in the throat. Gendry is well aware of his growing infatuation with Arya, and tries but fails to control his love for her. [Ongoing, currently 100 chapters, 378,000 words, rated explicit], With the threat of the Dead looming over the realm, Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen travel northward to fight for their home, their people, and each other. [Completed, 40 chapters, 149,000 words, rated mature], Aryas finally gotten to work with the knights at Robert Baratheons summer faire, but it turns out shed rather spend time with the blacksmith. Even though none of them bend the knee, she parts with them on fairly good terms, except for Tyrion. But Margaery encounters unexpected opposition and is forced to make her way to the Wall in order to survive. Read it here on Archive of Our Own. will he and the maid with purple eyes find happiness while the realm is burning? The Epic self insert and reincarnation stories of Game of - FanFiction A Lannister always pays his debts., In which Jon and Tyrion share a flat in a crumbling London townhouse and a posh cat lady moves in upstairs. Mace Tyrell starts to besiege King's Landing for the Lannisters after a Faceless Man frees Loras and Margaery. Lyanna Stark as his second wife and queen, along with Elia Martell. Fluff, smut, and all the feels still included. Jaqen H'ghar appeared briefly early in Ned and Arya's chapters, before returning in the sequel in Tyrion's chapters. - Keywords - Magic, Old Gods, Re-Do fic, Intrigue. [Completed, 11 chapters, 15,000 words, rated Teen], This ongoing fic starts at the end of season 7, and is written in the style of the books, with different POV chapters from each character. Jons real name is Daemon Targaryen. [Ongoing, currently 14 chapters, 34,000 words, rated explicit], A magical event transports the kingdom of the Westerlands to Middle Earth just before the War of the Ring, will the Lannisters find what good is in their hearts or will they be corrupted into the service of Sauron and doom the world of men? Ned Stark/Daenerys Targaryen - Works | Archive of Our Own The Lannisters meant it as an insult when they arranged the marriage of Sansa Stark to Margaery Tyrell. You could avenge Elia and your siblings little Rhaenys and Aegon. She thinks the fear might consume her whole. Arya Stark, despite her best efforts, falls back into the Game of Thrones. what Stannis did to his body after killing him in single combat. And she does, with some bumps in the road, cover up Arya's murdering of two fellows on a king's errand. Will she be able to make a difference or is she doomed to be a victim and a pawn her whole life? Eddard Stark, second son of the Lord of Winterfell, dutiful, and respectable even by his friends who are heirs to their respective lands. Thats it. Neither did any other pretty, limp name.

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ned stark harem fanfiction