
in the election of 2000 florida was brainly

The media consortium then analyzed the raw data produced by NORC and drew conclusions. [19]:221234.mw-parser-output .templatequote{overflow:hidden;margin:1em 0;padding:0 40px}.mw-parser-output .templatequote .templatequotecite{line-height:1.5em;text-align:left;padding-left:1.6em;margin-top:0}. "[7], The Florida election was closely scrutinized after Election Day. ET CNN After the grueling 36-day Florida recount battle, Al Gore finally conceded the presidency to. If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains *.kastatic.org and *.kasandbox.org are unblocked. But the state of the 2020 race is completely different, as Gore stated, than two decades ago. Why did Al Gore concede? None of these findings are certain. First of all, this is a completely different election from the one 20 years ago, Goretold NBC News, saying that Biden has multiple pathways to secure his victory over Trump. Eventually, the Florida Supreme Court decided (43) to order a statewide manual recount of the approximately 45,000 undervotesballots that machines recorded as not clearly expressing a presidential voteand accepted some previously uncertified results in both Miami-Dade and Palm Beach counties, reducing Bushs lead to a mere 154 votes. At the nations highest court, Floridas election system wason pins and needlesas officials scanned election machines, voter lists, vote counting guidelines and partisan officials. (The case had also been argued on the basis of Article II jurisdictional grounds, which found favor with only Justices Scalia, Clarence Thomas, and William Rehnquist.) Miami-Dade County decided on November 17 to conduct a recount but suspended it on November 22. Direct link to SirenaWoodall's post It would of taken too muc, Posted 6 years ago. [10] The county canvassing board was then to decide whether to do a recount, as well as the method of the recount, in those three precincts. Omissions? The 2000 United States presidential election recount in Florida was a period of vote recounting in Florida that occurred during the weeks after Election Day in the 2000 United States presidential election between George W. Bush and Al Gore. [9] Some late momentum for Gore and his Jewish running mate Joe Lieberman may have come from southern Florida's significant Jewish population. [4][6] According to legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin, later analysis showed that a total of 18 countiesaccounting for a quarter of all votes cast in Floridadid not carry out the legally mandated machine recount, but "No one from the Gore campaign ever challenged this view" that the machine recount had been completed.[7]. That meant he would be president. By winning Florida, Bush narrowly won the electoral vote over Gore by 271 to 266only 1 more than the required 270 (one Gore elector abstained). . How does the election of 2000 compare to other presidential elections? Regarding the second issue, the court ruled that the statutory scheme must be interpreted in light of the Florida state constitution's declaration that "all political power is inherent in the people," with any ambiguities therefore construed "liberally." Meanwhile, Republicans relied on their own 52-page manual for the same purpose. Dispute over the butterfly ballot Furthermore, the number of undervotes correlates with how well the punch-card machines are maintained, and not with factors such as race or socioeconomic status. Furthermore, the Florida Administrative Code: 1S-2.0031, "Write-in Procedures Governing Electronic Voting Systems", (7) at the time specified, "An overvote shall occur when an elector casts a vote on the ballot card and also casts a write-in vote for a qualified write-in candidate for that same office. In the Election of 2000, Florida was (5 points) Select one: - Brainly.com Not from where I'm sitting and what I'm looking at." There is a real issue here about what voting actually means. The 2000 election was determined by the American voting public. Unlike Biden, Gore only had one pathway to land a spot in the Oval Office, as the race all came down to Floridas then-21electoral votes. That study was conducted by a group that included the Miami Herald, USA Today and Knight Ridder newspapers. The ruling effectively awarded Floridas 25 votes in the electoral collegeand thus the election itselfto Republican candidate George W. Bush. On December 4, the U.S. Supreme Court returned this matter to the Florida Supreme Court with an order vacating its earlier decision. The standards considered by BDO Seidman were: The study notes that because of the possibility of mistakes, it is difficult to conclude that Gore would have won under the strict standard or that a high degree of certainty obtained in the study's results. Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris's certification of the election results was thus upheld, allowing Florida's electoral votes to be cast for Bush, making him president-elect. Here's one of them. The next day, Gore sued under Florida's statutory construct of the "contest phase". Although Gore had won the popular vote by roughly a half-million ballots, the all-important Electoral College count from the other 49 states (and District of Columbia) was so close that whoever won Florida would be the overall winner. Gore had first called Bush to congratulate him on his victory, called again to rescind the concession. According to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, "the vast majority of issues in Florida during the 2000 election were caused by an overall lack of leadership in preserving voting rights.". She said that she used both sides of the ballot in order to make the candidate names larger so the county's elderly residents could more easily see the names.[54]. The standards that were chosen for the NORC study ranged from a "most restrictive" standard (accepts only so-called perfect ballots that machines somehow missed and did not count, or ballots with unambiguous expressions of voter intent) to a "most inclusive" standard (applies a uniform standard of "dimple or better" on punch marks and "all affirmative marks" on optical scan ballots). USA Today, 11 May 2001. Based on exit polls in Florida, the news media declared Gore the winner, but as the actual votes were tallied, Bush appeared to command the lead. We have to believe that based on the vote totals elsewhere. She was also an ally of Republican Gov. Following the machine recount, the Gore campaign requested a manual recount in four counties. Also at issue was the so-called butterfly ballot design used in Palm Beach county, which caused confusion among some residents who had intended to vote for Goreleading them to inadvertently cast some 3,400 votes for an ultraconservative third-party candidate, Pat Buchanan, which amounted to about 20 percent of his total votes statewide. Copyright 2023 Center for the National Interest All Rights Reserved. On December 8, the Florida justices, by a 43 vote, rejected the selective use of manual recounts in just four counties and ordered immediate manual recounts of all ballots in the state where no vote for president had been machine-recorded, also known as undervotes. "The states highest officials responsible for ensuring efficiency, uniformity, and fairness in the election failed to fulfill their responsibilities. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. It is safe to say the wounds from the battles of 18 years ago have never healed not in Florida and not in the nation's highest court. Viewers around the country would soon see Gore's face on screen as the projected winner of the presidency. The U.S. Supreme Court convened on December 1 to consider Bush's appeal. It would of taken too much time and money to do a complete re vote. Florida statutes also required that all counties certify and report their returns, including any recounts, by 5:00p.m. on November 14. The result in Florida was so close as to trigger a statewide mandatory machine recount according to the Florida Election Code. Volusia County started its recount on November 12. County officials tried to discern voter intent through a cloud of hanging chads (incompletely punched paper ballots) and pregnant chads (paper ballots that were dimpled, but not pierced, during the voting process), as well as overvotes (ballots that recorded multiple votes for the same office) and undervotes (ballots that recorded no vote for a given office). IF the results were "scattered", who would officially be president? Regarding the first issue, the court ruled that, while Harris was generally entitled to deference in her interpretation of state laws, in this case the interpretation "contravene[d] the plain meaning" of the phrase "error in the vote tabulation" and so must be overturned. Although electors are pledged to their candidate and running mate, they are not obligated to vote for them. Celebrations began in Democratic headquarters everywhere. Why or why not? rythionic. Great Britain,France,Germany,Russia,Italy,Japan, Explain five reason why self examination is important. There were also small but measurable differences in the way that the "neutral" investigators counted certain types of ballots, an indication that different counters might have come up with slightly different numbers. during the presidential election of 2000, which state's voting system came under enormous scrutiny because of voting irregularities caused by poorly designed ballots? As the Electoral College vote took shape on election night, with the results piling up from around the country, it was clear the vote in Florida was going to determine not only the winner of that state's 25 electoral votes but the next occupant of the Oval Office. The 2000 election resulted in numerous court battles over contested ballots and recounts. Posted 7 years ago. The organization analyzed 171,908 ballots (60,647 undervotes and 111,261 overvotes), 3102 less than the later NORC study. NBC News' Simone Boyce takes a look back at the 2000 election and explains the. He and his legal team will need to produce solid evidence of it. It was governed by Jeb Bush, a staunch conservative[8] and George W. Bush's brother. The Florida Supreme Court extended the deadline for the recount and ordered a manual recount. Preventing the canvassing boards from continuing to conduct recounts beyond the seven-day timeframe (specified in the law, but with ambiguity as to how firm it was intended to be), would "summarily disenfranchise innocent electors [voters]" and could not be allowed unless the recounts continued for so long as to "compromise the integrity of the electoral process." The Constitution has it structured the way it is, and they did it that way. The results of this tally were to be added to the November 26 tally. Direct link to ayushkadri's post No. "Florida recount study: Bush still wins: Study reveals flaws in ballots, voter errors may have cost Gore victory." In such case, only the write-in vote is void." How long would the recount have taken? The same day, a state judge upheld that deadline but ruled that further recounts could be considered later. Gore said he disagreed with the Court's decision, but conceded the election. Bushs announcement came as roughly 15 percent more votes needed to be counted -- and they were from predominantly blue counties. The 2000 Presidential Election - The Florida Recount In the weeks following Election Day in the 2000 U.S. presidential election between George W. Bush and Al Gore, there was a period of vote recounting in Florida. The Republicans appealed that ruling to the U.S. Supreme Court, which voted 7-2 to end the Florida court's ordered recount. essay on your opinion on the results of the 2000 Presidential election Salvado says that this alone cost Gore the election. Have Any U.S. Presidents Decided Not to Run For a Second Term? That phrase is being invoked a lot in light of this year's ultra-tight Florida statewide elections. After that decision, the Bush campaign appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, arguing that the state court effectively rewrote state election statutes after the vote. Directed by Jay Roach, it starred Kevin Spacey as Ron Klain, Bob Balaban as Benjamin Ginsberg, Ed Begley Jr. as David Boies, Laura Dern as Katherine Harris, John Hurt as Warren Christopher, Denis Leary as Michael Whouley, Bruce McGill as Mac Stipanovich, and Tom Wilkinson as James Baker. Bush v. Gore was a case heard before the U.S. Supreme Court in which that court reversed a Florida Supreme Court request for a selective manual recount of ballots cast in the U.S. presidential election of 2000. India? Bush won 12 of 23 congressional districts. Some questioned Buchanan's 3,407 votes in Palm Beach County, Florida, given the liberal leanings of the county, the sizeable Jewish population, and his performance in the remainder of the state. At the time, he urged caution, but in the heat of the moment, NPR like other media organizations called the state for Gore. our elections: badly kept lists, shoddy ballots during the 2000 Presidential Election. [12], On election day itself, the extent of the mix-ups in the electoral rolls was such that "in a number of precincts in Florida's inner cities, the polling locations were heavily fortified with police. Based on the review of these ballots, their results indicated that Bush would have won if certain recounting methods had been used (including the one favored by Gore at the time of the Supreme Court decision), but that Gore might have won under other standards and scenarios. Also at issue was the so-called butterfly ballot design used in Palm Beach county, which caused confusion among some Gore votersprompting them to inadvertently cast their votes for third-party candidate Pat Buchanan, who received some 3,400 (some 20 percent of his total votes statewide). Advertisement On December 9, 2000, four counties (Leon, Liberty, Madison, Manatee) completed recounts of undervotes ordered by the Florida Supreme Court, identifying a small number of new votes. The review's findings were reported in the media during the week after November 12, 2001, by the organizations that funded the recount: Associated Press, CNN, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Washington Post, St. Petersburg Times, The Palm Beach Post and Tribune Publishing, which included the Los Angeles Times, South Florida Sun-Sentinel, Orlando Sentinel and Chicago Tribune. The study also found that undervotes originating in optical-scan counties differ from those from punchcard counties in a particular characteristic. ", "Data Files NORC Files, Media Group Files", "Now Democrats Are Upset With The Way Lake Counted, Counters Threw Out 3,114 Ballots Because Voters Also Wrote In The Name Of Their Candidate", "No. Possible reasons include, but are not limited to, ambient humidity, feeder misalignment and scanner light sensitivity. After a rapid-fire of legal efforts from both parties -- similar to litigation efforts by Trumps campaign -- the Florida Supreme Court officially requested a recount of votes in Floridas 67 counties, which Bush then appealed. For those with memories going back four decades, all this was no accident. Meanwhile, there was a heavy backlash in the Cuban-American population against Democrats during the Elian Gonzalez dispute, during which Janet Reno, President Bill Clintons Attorney General, ordered the six-year-old Cuban refugee to be returned to Cuba. I don't understand why the Supreme Court couldn't have just let it proceed? It was ostensibly completed on November 10 in the 66 Florida counties that used vote-counting machines and reduced Bush's lead to 327 votes. Gore appealed that decision to the Florida Supreme Court. A: There is currently no strong evidence that acetaminophen use during pregnancy causes autism or ADHD in children. Nine counties (Alachua, Columbia, DeSoto, Glades, Lake, Sarasota, Seminole, Sumter and Wakulla) reported that it was their intent to count reclaimable overvotes under the Florida Supreme Court order. To log in and use all the features of Khan Academy, please enable JavaScript in your browser. The outcome of the election was ultimately decided by the US Supreme Court in, The 2000 presidential election pitted Republican George W. Bush, governor of Texas and son of former US president George H.W. Please select which sections you would like to print: Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. While the races in Florida last week appeared to be decided by thousands or tens of thousands, the presidential count there in 2000 was being measured in hundreds. Bush led Gore in Florida by 1784 votes. The organization analyzed 61,190 undervotes and 113,820 overvotes. (Three other tallies that are not statewide votes are also in the balance as the recount begins.). Once the closeness of the election in Florida was clear, both the Bush and Gore campaigns organized themselves for the ensuing legal process. Numerous local court rulings went both ways, some ordering recounts because the vote was so close and others declaring that a selective manual recount in a few heavily Democratic counties would be unfair. Gore, like 2016 Democratic presidential nomineeHillary Clinton, won the popular vote and eventually lost the Electoral College vote in a brutal defeat against Bush. Kohut thought the first waves of exit polls leaned too much on what appeared to be an over-sampling of demographic groups inclined to vote Democratic. The State of Florida ordered a recount of the 2000 votes because (3 points) a too many counties used the "butterfly" ballot against the state law b George Bush did not believe that the state had run a fair election c Al Gore did not believe that the state had run a fair election d state law required a recount when the results were close SC00-2431, Albert Gore, Jr., and Joseph I. Lieberman, Appellants, vs. Katherine Harris, as Secretary, etc., et al., Appellees", "2000 Presidential Election - Handcount (00genhc.xls)", "Counting the vote: the overview; Bush is declared winner in Florida, but Gore vows to contest results", "Disputed Palm Beach ballots held potential gains for Gore", "General, Nonpartisan and Special Elections Recount; Miami-Dade County, Florida", "So, who really won? Bush led the election-night vote count in Florida by 1,784 votes. They had won Florida, they insisted. At 4:00p.m. EST on December 8, the Florida Supreme Court, by a 4 to 3 vote, rejected Gore's original four-county approach and ordered a manual recount, under the supervision of the Leon County Circuit Court and Leon County Elections Supervisor Ion Sancho, of all undervoted ballots in all Florida counties (except Broward, Palm Beach and Volusia) and the portion of Miami-Dade county in which such a recount was not already complete. They argue that American democracy is a far stricter, Lockean, Anglo-American system based on the letter of the law and a successful vote cast by a rational, responsible voter. On December 4, the Court ordered the Florida Supreme Court to clarify its ruling that had extended the certification date. [11] If the board discovered an error that in its judgment could affect the outcome of the election, they were then authorized to do a full recount of the ballots. The Electoral College itself never meets as one body. Positive sign indicates number of votes that decision caused to be included (or put back) in state certified total. Conservatives claimed that the same ballot had been successfully used in the 1996 election;[18] in fact, it had never been used in a Palm Beach County election among rival candidates for office. Orange County then performed a hand segregation and determined that these votes numbered 184 for Bush, 249 for Gore and 79 for other candidates. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. Escambia County also reported completing its recount that day but did not include all of its precincts. The Bush campaign appealed the decision, and the US Supreme Court agreed to hear the case. Most of the excitement in the primaries came on the Republican side, as Bush faced a stiff challenge from John McCain, a U.S. senator from Arizona; other candidates included businessman Steve Forbes, diplomat and conservative commentator Alan Keyes, U.S. senator Orrin Hatch, and conservative activist Gary Bauer. "[4] According to Anthony Salvado, a political scientist at the University of California, Irvine, who acted as a consultant on the media recount, most of the errors were caused by ballot design, ballot wording, and efforts by voters to choose both a president and a vice president. BDO Seidman's results, reported in USA Today, show that under the strictest standard, where only a cleanly punched ballot with a fully removed chad was counted, Gore's margin was three votes. On November 14, the original deadline for reporting results, with the Volusia County recount complete, Bush held a 300-vote lead. Although their conclusions were similar, the Miami Herald study and the later and larger study came up with different numbers, evidence of the uncertainties involved. Gore won New Mexico and Oregon over the following few days; but the result in Florida was to be decisive, regardless of how those two states had voted. He is also alleging thatthere have been widespread accounts of voter fraud in these uncalled states. Even so, when we think of that time, many of us conjure up memories as sharp as barbed wire, roll our eyes or sigh out loud when anyone mentions "Florida 2000.". ", "THE 2000 CAMPAIGN: THE VOTERS; Independents and the Elderly Lift Gore in Florida, Poll Says", "2000 Presidential General Election Results", "Dave Leip's Atlas of U.S. Presidential Elections County Data", Florida Recounts Would Have Favored Bush But Study Finds Gore Might Have Won Statewide Tally of All Uncounted Ballots., Category: Books about the 2000 United States presidential election, Florida election recount and legal proceedings, Bush v. Palm Beach County Canvassing Board, Unprecedented: The 2000 Presidential Election, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=2000_United_States_presidential_election_in_Florida&oldid=1138104961, 2000 United States presidential election by state, United States presidential elections in Florida, Articles containing potentially dated statements from November 2020, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Articles to be expanded from November 2021, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 8 February 2023, at 01:40. How the 2000 Election Came Down to a Supreme Court Decision - HISTORY At an NAACP-sponsored hearing in Miami four days after the election, prospective voters told of police cars blocking the way to the polls, of voters harassed by election workers. The Court, stating that not meeting the "safe harbor" deadline would therefore violate the Florida Election Code, rejected an extension of the deadline.". ", "Irish-American Republicans - Our Achievements", "Miami Mayor Denies Gore Urged Him to Publicly Support Recount", "Vote-swapping Web sites are legal, appeals court (finally) says", "Nader's Traders vs. State Regulators: Examining the Controversy over Internet Vote Swapping in the 2000 Presidential Election", "Florida Supreme Court Stays Certification of Florida Presidential Ballots; Counties Counting Overseas Absentee Ballots", "Text: Bush Campaign Adviser James A. Baker III", "Text: Gore Campaign Chairman William Daley", "The Butterfly Did It: The Aberrant Vote for Buchanan in Palm Beach County, Florida", "Buchanan camp: Bush claims are "nonsense", "THE 2000 ELECTIONS: THE PALM BEACH BALLOT; Florida Democrats Say Ballot's Design Hurt Gore", "PALM BEACH COUNTY CANVASSING BOARD v. HARRIS", "Palm Beach County Canvassing Board v. Harris", "SUPPLEMENTAL BRIEF OF THE PALM BEACH COUNTY CANVASSING BOARD, FOLLOWING REMAND FROM THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES", "The Lawyers' Role in Selecting the President: A Complete Legal History of the 2000 Election", "Did Illegal Overseas Absentee Ballots Decide the 2000 U.S. Presidential Election?

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in the election of 2000 florida was brainly