
public broadcasting in the united states quizlet

Low power television and television translator stations were required to complete their transition to digital by July 31, 2021. All of the Title 47 rules can be found on the Government Printing Offices website, https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-47. Please be aware that we can only act on allegations that a station has violated a provision of the Communications Act or the FCC's rules or policies. Except for certain classes of political advertisements, station licensees have full discretion to accept or reject any advertising. Phone: (202) 418-1600 Among the 123 news-oriented licensees studied here, individual giving and underwriting accounted for a combined $657.4 million in revenue in 2019. Large media conglomerates own approximately ________ percent of daily newspapers. there is a division of opinion among conservatives, with pro-business conservatives accepting immigration and social conservatives strongly opposing immigration to the United States. We urge you to make use of the resources contained on this site, which may outline more recent developments in the law not discussed in the current version of this Manual. The difference between a political value and a political attitude is that values are basic principles, while attitudes are specific preferences. It is the world's oldest listener-supported radio network. Applications for License Renewal. During the last decade, the number of newspaper journalists working in the United States has Advertising revenue at print newspapers is currently ________ what it was in 2005. Violent Programming Equal Employment Opportunity File This act provided basic assumptions that have continued to underpin broadcasting policy in the United States to this day. Pacifica runs other stations in Los Angeles, New York City, Washington, D.C. and Houston, as well as repeater stations and a large network of affiliates. During American radio's Golden Age, much of the programming heard by listeners was controlled by advertising agencies . Communications Act of 1934 | Definition, History, & Federal Public broadcasting in the United States - Wikipedia As noted above, in light of the fundamental importance of the free flow of information to our democracy, the First Amendment and the Communications Act bar the FCC from telling station licensees how to select material for news programs or prohibiting the broadcast of an opinion on any subject. Sponsorship Identification. Other articles where Radio Act is discussed: radio: The need for regulation: was accomplished with the landmark Radio Act of 1927. The Commission has defined this program matter to include language that is both so grossly offensive to members of the public who actually hear it as to amount to a nuisance and is sexual or excretory in nature or derived from such terms. If your concerns are not resolved, with the exception of complaints about obscene, indecent, or profane programming, which should be submitted in the manner described previously -- and complaints about blanketing interference discussed earlier -- the best way to provide all the information the FCC needs to process your complaint about other broadcast matters is to fully complete an on-line complaint at https://consumercomplaints.fcc.gov/hc/en-us. The report contains a listing of the programming the station aired that the licensee believes provided significant treatment of issues facing the community. Which of the following statements best characterizes the traditional news media's relationship to objectivity? Profane Material. Nevertheless, there are two issues related to broadcast journalism that are subject to Commission regulation: hoaxes and news distortion. In light of the First Amendment and Section 326 of the Communications Act, we do not substitute our judgment for that of the licensee, nor do we advise stations on artistic standards, format, grammar, or the quality of their programming. These devices must include a simple and easy to use mechanism for accessing closed captioning and video description. The Commission will upload to the online file itself any document required to be retained in the file that also must be filed electronically with the Commission. Check No. As with renewal applications, you can also file an informal objection to these types of applications, or any other application, at any time before we either grant or deny the application. On the whole, the news offerings of U.S. public broadcasters have been marked by relative financial stability and audience. In addition to adopting rules, we establish broadcast regulatory policies through the individual cases that we decide, such as those involving license renewals, station sales, and complaints about violations of Commission rules. This will help those involved in the selection of advertising material to become better informed about audience opinion. Lotteries conducted by a state acting under the authority of state law, when the advertisement or information is broadcast by a radio or TV station licensed to a location in that state or in any other state that conducts such a lottery; Gambling conducted by an Indian Tribe under the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act; Lotteries authorized or not otherwise prohibited by the state in which they are conducted, and that are conducted by a not-for-profit organization or a governmental organization; and. For devices, the Commission adopted functional display standards to specify how covered apparatus must implement closed captioning, and it required apparatus to render or pass through closed captioning on each video output. 9.1 The Evolution of Television - Understanding Media and Culture The FCC allocates a portion of the broadcast spectrum to new broadcast stations based upon both the relative needs of various communities for additional broadcast outlets, and specified engineering standards designed to prevent interference among stations and other communications users. At the national level, NPRs total operating revenue in 2020 was $270.1 million, roughly the same as 2019. Similarly, if the emergency information is presented visually, it must be made accessible for persons who are blind or visually impaired. Public Participation in the Licensing Process In the United States the first regularly schedul Television, At the same time radio began to achieve commercial viability in the 1920s, the United States and Britain began experimenting with "television," the w National Broadcasting Company Inc, National Broadcasting Company . Broadcasters are required to upload only those items required to be in the public file but not otherwise filed with the Commission or available in a Commission database. Once techniques were perfected, radio became a necessity for military and commercial users alike. How to File a Loud Commercial Complaint Which of the following statements best characterizes media ownership in the United States? What does public broadcasting mean? No federal law prohibits the broadcast by stations of requests for funds for legal purposes (including appeals by stations for contributions to meet their operating expenses), if the money or other contributions are used for the announced purposes. As directed by Congress in the Telecommunications Act of 1996, the FCC has adopted rules requiring closed captioning of most, but not all, television programming. It thus has a certain flexibility in a time of great change. contract clauses added by the seller of a home that required the buyer to agree never to sell the home to any non-Caucasian. Station Identification Critical details could include, among other things, specific information regarding the areas that will be affected by the emergency, evacuation orders, detailed descriptions of areas to be evacuated, specific evacuation routes, approved shelters or te way to take shelter in ones home, instructions on how to secure personal property, road closures, and how to obtain relief assistance. Objectionable Programming. Radio: The Internet of the 1930s | APM Reports Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau Local stations derive some of the funding for their operations through regular pledge drives seeking individual and corporate donations, and corporate underwriting. PBS and public independent stations also produce programs of local interest, including local newscasts and/or newsmagazines, public affairs shows, documentaries, and in some areas, gavel-to-gavel coverage of state legislative proceedings. Some independent local public radio stations buy their programming from distributors such as NPR; Public Radio International (PRI); American Public Media (APM); Public Radio Exchange (PRX); and Pacifica Radio, most often distributed through the Public Radio Satellite System (PRSS). Additional information on the closed captioning requirements can be found on the FCCs website at https://www.fcc.gov/general/closed-captioning-video-programming-television. Audio description is provided through the TV or set-top box secondary audio feature, which some TV controls identify as SAP or secondary audio program. Your TV user manual may provide information about activating the secondary audio feature. These reports must be filed electronically with the FCC annually and placed in each stations online public inspection file, which can be viewed on the FCCs website at https://publicfiles.fcc.gov. Educational and Informational Programming. From 1948 to 2013, foreign-targeted broadcasts, many of which were intended as propaganda, were barred from U.S. audiences because of the SmithMundt Act, a restriction that has since been lifted. How the FCC Adopts Rules. Find more in-depth explorations of public broadcasting by following the links below: 1615 L St. NW, Suite 800Washington, DC 20036USA [16] Since the creation of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Pacifica has sometimes received CPB support. Stations must air identification announcements when they sign on and off for the day. However, the advertising of smoking accessories, cigars, pipes, pipe tobacco, or cigarette-making machines is not prohibited. When filing these types of applications, the applicant is required to publish a series of notices, generally in a local newspaper, containing information similar to that noted above regarding renewal applications. Specifically, acknowledgements may not contain comparative or qualitative descriptions, price information, calls to action, or inducements to buy, sell, rent, or lease. The remaining Core Programming hours under Category B (up to 52 hours annually) may consist of Core Programs that are not aired on a regularly scheduled weekly basis, including educational specials, other non-regularly scheduled programming, and regularly scheduled non-weekly programming, and short-form programming, such as public service announcements and interstitials. Opposition to legalized abortion is a position most likely supported by ________, while support for legalized abortion is a position most likely supported by ________. News and public affairs programs include PBS NewsHour, Frontline, and Washington Week. American Government - Chapter 7 (We the People) Flashcards | Quizlet A. The local stations then contract with program distributors and also provide some programming themselves. Eventually, LMS will replace CDBS for radio. Federal Communications Commission, Consumer & Governmental, Affairs Bureau Consumer, Inquiries & Complaints Division, 45 L Street NE, Washington, DC 20554, A complaint from a party located outside of the stations blanketing contour (. Specifically Designed to Serve These Needs. The Commissions home page (www.fcc.gov) contains additional information about the FCCs rules, current FCC proceedings, and other issues. NPR also receives some direct funding from private donors, foundations, and from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Efficient markets limit competition. Information about how to activate the secondary audio is available from the customer service department of the TV manufacturer or from your subscription TV provider. E. Profits are removed as a market incentive when markets become efficient. Obscene, Indecent, or Profane Programming Since 2000, all sets manufactured with screens 13 inches or larger must contain the V-Chip technology. All the major broadcast networks and most of the major cable networks encode their programming with this ratings information to work with the V-Chip. Manufacturers of apparatus must provide a simple and easy to use mechanism for activating the secondary audio stream, such as a button or icon. Class A TV Continuing Eligibility Documentation The Communications Act. Our EEO recruitment rules have three prongs. If your question relates to both a radio and a television station or is general in nature, you can contact either specialist. Soliciting Funds. The Supreme Court ruled in Shelley v. Kraemer (1948) that racially restrictive covenants on housing could not be enforced by courts. We license only individual broadcast stations. Educational and Informational. NPRs digital platforms continue to be an important part of its reach.

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public broadcasting in the united states quizlet