
ley lines southern california map

The previous link talks of Ley lines or what in . Sometimes I wonder what if wed had the courage to say hello? Time Inc. Be sure to check out Calling All Earthlings, a film by Jonathan Berman about George Van Tassel and the Integratron. Many of the sites were built over ancient ruins of much older advanced cultures. This story is recounted in Van Tassels other books as well as the June 18, 1964, KVOS Webster television interview, The Extraordinary Equation of George Van Tassel, KVOS Channel 12 films archive, Center for Pacific Northwest Studies, Western Washington University. Ley Lines & Vortexes. Cave drawings show Sirius B and Sirius C as well as their trajectories. And they can draw upon it for creative or healing power. Click here to learn about Indigenous acknowledgment & the lands you occupy. These points are the magnetic anchors for the earth. The idea that Christianity and even Christ himself came from outer space seems to be the prevailing ethos communicated by these alien mentors to their 1950s contactees. The Mojave Project and its contributors 2014-2021 unless otherwise specified. Planetary Energetic Grid Theory falls under the heading of pseudoscience. Our bodies contain the essence of these intricate patterns. The Major Ley Line map shown above is slightly different from the Planetary Grid System map. And then another world war, even more bloody than the first, made the present seem suddenly more pressing than the past. He estimated their ages at 700 years old. With its heavy dose of showmanship, fringe science and esoteric spiritual practices, Van Tassels oeuvre became the ideal remedy for the looming Cold War anxiety of the technological age. Once the structure was operational, Van Tassel intended for participants to don white suits, enter and pass through the lower floor in a precise 270-degree arc, during which each individual was exposed to the machines rejuvenating electromagnetic vibrations before exiting through the rear door. Sacramento, CA 95814, Contact Us | DirectionsLanguage Services. There is supposedly a higher level of grid, the 24 mile x 24 mile quadrangle, but it doesn't seem to be as important and I don't see that on this . The Extraordinary Equation of George Van Tassel, https://nuclearweaponarchive.org/Usa/Tests/Tumblers.html. Views Written By Posted; World Ley Line Locator: 34770: Deep1 26-Jan-11 20:23: Re: World Ley Line Locator: 2987: s-d.adrain 27-Jan-11 08:09: Re: World Ley Line Locator: 1167: poster72 27-Jan-11 18:23: So here's the truth: ley lines . [1] The Morongo Basins Hi-Desert Star reported on February 23, 2000, that Leslie and Larry Blunden of Palmdale, among others, had been camping at Giant Rock the morning of the split, thus recording the time of the actual event. Contains advanced GIS information and functionality (recommended for advanced GIS users). The California Energy Commission develops and maintains maps and geospatial information on Californias energy infrastructure and related activities. Fittingly, Van Tassels epitaph read Birth through Induction, Death by Short Circuit., After Van Tassels death, his second wife, Dorris, leased the building to several tenants, including one who had plans to make the dome into a disco. pressed the plunger of a detonator wired to his secret cache of dynamite and it went off with a terrific roar. var sc_project=12347639; Whether or not one believes in Van Tassels alleged alien encounters or the Integratrons extraterrestrial provenance, one must acknowledge his devoted affection for the landscape surrounding Giant Rock. Dan is available to assess and adjust the subtle energies of your home and land, and for tours and speaking. 25062016 Ley lines are the luminous strands that many are pulling at today hardly suspecting what riches lay at the end of these subtle light lines. Home to supermassive stone structures. Using scalar waves produced by Mother Earth advanced ancient civilizations built megalithic stone structures along these grid lines and at the intersecting nodal points. Thus there is a connection to the "666" number. This basin bears the name of William Wharton (1843-1905), one of the first to discover it. A bank of windows positioned under the boulders overhang passively lit the chamber during the daytime, and a water catchment system collected occasional desert rainfall off the rocks face. But youre going with me! And before the sheriff could interfere Kritzer [sic.] Astrolabe, magnificent computer of the Ancientsan instrument used to make astronomical measurements, before the development of the sextant, Where Are The Ley Lines On Earth | Earth Ley Lines. [7] Critzer proceeded to set up camp as a squatter and then filed a mining claim shortly after that. Thus, rather than sitting between the two copper coils of Lakhovskys design, Van Tassels participants were immersed in a giant copper generating spiral that encircled the entire building. The St Michael's line is an invisible line drawn across the south of England connecting many historical churches, prehistoric monuments and sites of interest which have an affinity with Saint Michael. In 1949, several years before this particular encounter, Adamski began giving public lectures throughout Southern California about his numerous UFO sightings in the Palomar Gardens area of north San Diego County. In between the Chumash and the current owners, Zaca Lake was owned by a mysterious Human Potential Foundation who pressured the White House to change its policy on UFOs. Both were part of Van Tassels Adamic Race of space people of Gods pure creation.[17] He goes on to mention that the three wise men present at Christs birth were extraterrestrials who followed the spacecraft, better known as the Star of Bethlehem, until it hovered where Jesus was being born. The previous statement is an example of one of Van Tassels numerous and complicated revisionist interpretations of both the New and Old Testaments, in which he posits angel as a misspelling and misinterpretation of alien, or that a select group of individuals with the correct vibratory body aura will be snatched up to the heavens by godly extraterrestrials during the Rapture.[18]. Thus the term ley is too narrow and limiting for our study of the Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. One can surmise from Van Tassels writings and interviews that, as an embedded desert dweller who slept with his family semi-outdoors most evenings, he remained attuned throughout his life to the deserts many nuances and hidden secrets. Included is a map and grid of survey 4163 at its original flight elevation, which was generated with a grid spacing of 100 m due to a 448 m (~1,478-ft) flight-line spacing. (1) Ivan T. Sanderson, Wikipedia As we stopped long enough to snap a photo, out of nowhere an ominous black 4-wheel drive with tinted windows drove up behind us and intimidated us to leave, which we did. This site is about 19 miles (30 km) southeast of Masvingo (formerly Fort Victoria). Remember that $30 was a hefty sum in 1930around $430 in todays dollarsa rather generous sum of cash to hand over to a stranger. Ley lines in the United States are rumored to connect points of spiritual significance to Native Americans. Or that many experienced alien encounters in the California Desert. Many spiritual organizations make their home there. Here, the Mojave Desert plays a starring role in Van Tassels out-of-this-world vision that was both a site for the wildly popular UFO conventions he hosted and his magnum opus, the Integratron. According to Van Tassels story, Critzer had found himself broke and in desperate need of car repairs when he stumbled into Paines shop. The earth energy grid is an ancient matrix of lines of subtle forces that form a pattern around the globe. This system of vortices and ley lines is not a new idea. Ashland, Mt. junglearea in Peru wheresatellite photos show eight large pyramids in two symmetricalrows. A "grid" of twelve Great Circles surrounds the Earth, we call the "Earth Grid." Shasta, Mt. Or better yet use those ley lines to find the good. A few years later, however, a Times article dated July 26, 1942, presented Critzer in a completely different light: three Riverside deputy sheriffs raided his subterranean home on July 25, 1942, seeking information on recent thefts of dynamite, gasoline and mining equipment in area towns. Bethurum detailed his own experience in his 1954 book, Aboard a Flying Saucer, claiming how he had boarded a spacecraft that landed in the desert near a worksite where he and a construction crew were laying asphalt. The diameter of the moon is expressed in many landforms, mountains and rivers, on Earth. Alfred Watkins is an amateur archeologist who came up with the idea of the spiritual ley lines map in 1921. Details are murky as to how or why the blast occurred since the explosion and subsequent fire destroyed any evidence that could determine Critzers guilt or innocence. These patterns are part of a larger scheme and lead to sacred geometry theory (9). But its designation as a time machine has been misconstrued. When you identify each location on the globe, you get the icosahedron symbol. But Hess went on to mention that he heard voices purporting to be those of space people giving messages through Van Tassels vocal cords.[22] Over the twenty-five years that Van Tassel worked on the Integratron, over $200,000 in worldwide donations from his devotees funded its constructionone could imagine the endeavor as an early crowdfunding project. Talk to Dan. We find landscape geometries of every sort: circles, polygons, stars, pyramids, Who knows whats down there? Perhaps there is some validity to this assertion? George Van Tassel pictured with his Integratron in Landers, CA. I've researched often in the last few years to try to pin down a specific map covering the US. Dean Traylor author from Southern CaliforniaSpokane Washington long story on September 03 2019. Perhaps that is why ley lines and vibrational geometry draw our attention. The Chinese called them dragon currents. Google Maps. Critzer kept his word. [14] G. W. Van Tassel, Into This World and Out Again, (Self-published, 1956), 80. This is an interactive map that connects Mount Tamalpais and The Mystery Spot (Santa Cruz). (2) Becker-Hagens planetary grid, Vortex Hunters Because of this, the Integratron was considered nonfunctional. Mr. Sanderson identified 12 areas he calls Vile Vortices. Several processes facilitate healing and spiritual exploration. Some are so unstable we cannot explore them. [3] Not only did the boulder crack the next day, but an enormous one-eighth section also broke off. To select data from a rectangular area, hold the Ctrl key (use Cmd key on Macs) and drag the pointer. The trio agreed that he would drop them a line notifying them of his general whereabouts. Map of the Earth's Ley Lines In last month's Sacred Space Sharing, we were discussing the pyramids and how they will be aligned directly upon a ley line to feed energy into the earth's grid. Then there is the contrast of opposites because Ge-or-ge is ge twice with an or in-between, and Westinghouses largest competitor is General Electric or G.E., and further in the letter expression of meanings, G.E. Go back to see more maps of California U.S . In conjunction with his annual convention, Van Tassel launched the non-profit, non-sectarian Ministry of Universal Wisdom in 1958 and an associated college dedicated to religious and scientific research. He also began publishing and distributing The Proceedings of the College of Universal Wisdom and authored several more books.19 In these sprawling treatises, Van Tassel jumps recklessly from one pseudo-scientific theory to another, suggesting that he was an intelligent, active thinker with far too much time on his hands. Bethurum relocated to Landers shortly after attending one of Van Tassels seventeen annual Giant Rock Interplanetary Spacecraft Conventions. Ley Lines are not few or far between.If you get an ordinace survey map of any part of England and find a church,castle monastary,earth mound or any place that has any form of religeous connections . First, the core 1950s contactees, including Adamski, Angelucci, Bethurum and other guests, lectured to a festive and enthusiastic crowd from a wooden platform located at the southern side of Giant Rock. So, today travelers still avoid these areas if possible. During the early 1950s, Van Tassel began hosting Friday night meditation sessions in Critzers former subterranean digs. REJUVENATION There is a whole swirl of vortices around and near the Golden Gate Bridge, and these might be the coming together of several faults--many ley lines follow the great faults and waterways on the surface of our earth. State and the third-largest by area. Whatever the actual cause, most folks were not particularly surprised when crude graffiti appeared instantaneously, marring the pristine white surface. Dan lives in southern Oregon and there's nothing he would rather do than visit vortexes and talk to people like you around the world, that's a vital part of his vortex research. Over time, they have lovingly restored both the grounds and the building, which requires constant structural maintenance. You need to know your ley lines (and before you ask, yes I am working on an accurate map of the Ley lines. Sorry, the comment form is closed at this time. In all, they removed over seven tons of trash from the surrounding site. We don't know how or why they chose the sites to build significant monuments and buildings. Check out our new interactive ley line map that connects the 3 strongest vortices in North America Mount Shasta Buffalo Lake and the Bermuda Triangle. With literally tens of thousands of potential data points around the globe, it is little wonder that ley lines can be found everywhere. These networks are radial with approximately 12 baselines using a common, central station. Science is defined in the dictionaries as the pursuit of the unknown, yet science today is coming more and more to insist that it not be bothered with this, and it has reached a point where anything that is not already known is frowned upon. Ivan T. Sanderson. East-West interstates include: Interstate 8, Interstate 10, Interstate 40 and Interstate 80. Karachi is on southern Pakistans coastline in a natural harbor on the Arabian Sea. Ley Lines Southern California Map - The seamount has a name but is hard to find in the atlas. It is the marine basin area of the northeast quarter of the Indian Ocean. 17 Jun. Another notable mid-century contactee with Mojave Desert connections was Truman Bethurum, a day laborer who moonlighted as a fortuneteller and spiritual advisor. And . Take some milk of magnesia that makes the stomach less queasy Mike. Most data is from before 10/2010. And now I see that the website for the religious organization which was up when I began my research has been taken down. You probably have felt a connection to certain places. The boulders next tenant would claim that a friendly extraterrestrial visitor had provided the design plans for the nearby domed time-travel machine known as the Integratron. As you can see, mystery connects all the vortices mentioned above. His ego-driven vision may have indirectly inspired darker manifestations of these UFO-based myths, such as the infamous 1997 Heavens Gate mass suicide. I now know I am not the only person on the planet doing what I am doing. Most accounts describe Critzer as an odd but pleasant host. Adamski stated that his first encounter with a friendly Venusian called Orthon near Desert Center, California, on November 20, 1952, occurred around the same time as Van Tassels initial contact.[16]. The Native Americans in the area believe it is the home of the Great Spirit. California Power Generation and Power Sources. Well-known Energy Vortexes Around the World, The Quantum Physics Behind Energy Vortexes and Their Spirituality, frequency which matches that of the human heart. Click the section headings to expand or collapse reports. concentrates electromagnetic energy inside its chambers, spiritual growth, transcendence, or healing. Many ancient cultures built mysterious structures in specific locations. These align with the original 12 points of the Icosahedron on the grid. The array of categories should be very interesting to readers. He explained the planetary grid as the synthesis of platonic solids. However, many of the sacred sites are remote or challenging to navigate the terrain. He had graded thirty-three miles of roads in the future Landers area, becoming known as Straight Road Frank for his efforts. World Political Map With Latitude And Longitude. [26] The Integratron was listed on the National Register of Historic Places by the National Park Service in 2019. He drew a straight line across southern England, and then one from the southern point of Ireland to Israel, claiming to connect seven separate locales with the name "Michael" in some form. archeo-astronomicalsites, dolmens, rock cairns and stone circles are being re-discovered in the United States. Located at 10,000 ft above sea level, this ancient Wheel (700 yrs old) has many radiating spokes and stone piles (cairns) and is still used by the Crow Nation today. [4] The author was not able to contact Shri Naath Devi to comment on or confirm this story. The Integratron has become an outrageously trendy tourist destination with 20,000 to 30,000 visitors each year. The 1940 U.S. Census for Twentynine Palms, San Bernardino County, California, lists his name as Critzer. However, his death certificate on file at findagrave.com spells his last name as Kritzera misspelling. Photo: Daniel Hennessy for LIFE Magazine 1962.. These ancient cultures possessed knowledge we lost with the rise of anti-intellectualism and organized religion. On January 21, 2004, the Hi-Desert Star reported that an unidentified woman spray painted the boulder's exposed surfaces bright red as an "artistic" intervention "expressing the rocks pain. This article shows significant places where we find unusual architecture or where ships and planes have disappeared. We know little more than that. ('the place where the gods were created) near Mexico City features three large step pyramids. But all was lost in the explosion. Learning about these vibrational connections helps us see our relationship to the planet. The diameter of the moon is expressed in many landforms, mountains and rivers, on Earth. . We can identify these patterns in nature. This area is known for the disappearance of ships and airplanes. One thing is sure: Giant Rock will persist as it always hasstoically and with fortitudewell into the next millennium. The Ley lines do tend to follow waterways.) California is a declare in the Pacific Region of the joined States. Again, this cannot happen by coincidence. Instead of literal time travel, Van Tassel envisioned the Integratron as a device that allows those who physically enter it to transcend the effects of time by defying the laws of gravity and reverse the ravages of age on the bodyor so he claimed. Provides access to PDF maps, interactive web maps, and geospatial data organized in a in a searchable Hub webpage. Just added: Bermuda Triangle to Cubabi Mexico major leyline. This system of vortices and ley lines is not a new idea. Draw lines on the map connecting the area identified. The Great Lakes as a pentagon, phi proportions between masonic landmarks and cities, and much much more. fiskars trimming scissors; calgary stampede email address; hard rock stadium construction 2021; property hive shortcodes; andrew miller his hers and the truth Here, from sunset to 3:30 a.m. the following morning, eight to ten participants danced around a fire until the last person fell from exhaustion. The rite concluded as a light rain began to fall. Check out our new interactive ley line map that connects the 3 strongest vortices in North America - Mount Shasta, Buffalo Lake and the Bermuda Triangle. So many cultures built significant structures on these sites. THE INTEGRATRON

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ley lines southern california map