
how old was darwin when he left shrewsbury school

This is not well received. 1818-1825. . June 15, 2022 . Darwin, C. R. [Edinburgh diary for 1826]. "[144] He ordered a clinometer, and on 11 July wrote to tell Henslow that it had arrived and he had tried it out in his bedroom. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. He was also exhausted and depressed, writing to Fox "I do not know why the degree should make one so miserable. Known as a rather ordinary student, Darwin left Shrewsbury School in 1825 and went to the University of Edinburgh to study medicine. [89] Newhaven dredge boats had provided the Flustra carbasea specimens, when "highly magnified" the "ciliae of the ova" were "seen in rapid motion", and "That such ova had organs of motion does not appear to have been hitherto observed either by Lamarck Cuvier Lamouroux or any other author." Fourth year finals and later attitude towards mathematics. The fife and drum were the traditional instruments used for signalling in English infantry regiments, and also for medieval mumming . It does not store any personal data. [2][3], As a young child at The Mount, Darwin avidly collected animal shells, postal franks, bird's eggs, pebbles and minerals. [28], On 21 November 1826 Darwin (17 years old) petitioned to join the Plinian Society, student-run, with professors excluded. One of Darwins grandfathers, Erasmus Darwin, was a successful physician, and was followed in this by his sons Charles Darwin, who died in 1778 while still a promising medical student at the University of Edinburgh, and Doctor Robert Waring Darwin, Darwin's father, who named his son Charles Robert Darwin, honouring his deceased brother. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Charles Darwin died in 1882 at the age of seventy-three. ",[20] but they usefully introduced him to the natural system of classification of Augustin de Candolle, who emphasised the "war" between competing species. He was long haunted by the memory, particularly of an operation on a child. [76][77] In October he said simple freshwater Spongilla were ancient, ancestral to complex sponges that had adapted to sea changes,[78][79] as the earth cooled and changing conditions drove life towards higher, hotter blooded forms. Cambridge bestows Darwin with an honorary doctorate of law. "[40][62], In his autobiography, begun in 1876, Darwin remembered Robert Edmond Grant as "dry and formal in manner, but with much enthusiasm beneath this outer crust. The Beagle voyage of Charles Darwin. However, Darwin made no mention of Henslow in his letters to Fox. When did Charles Darwin sail around the world? We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Darwin is removed from school, being deemed unsuccessful, and spends the summer accompanying his father on his doctor's rounds. His experiences and observations helped him develop the theory of evolution through natural selection. Taylor was later nicknamed "the Devil's Chaplain", a phrase remembered by Darwin. When Herbert said that he could not, Darwin replied "Neither can I, and therefore I cannot take orders" to become an ordained priest. Darwin's flat was near the entrance to the museum in the western part of the university,[59][60] he assisted and made full use of the collections, spending hours studying, taking notes and stuffing specimens. For a few days, while looking for rooms to rent, the brothers stayed at the Star Hotel in Princes Street. Such science was religion, and could not be heretical. Eventually, his father withdrew him from Edinburgh and sent him to Cambridge to study divinity. Darwin conducts experiments to prove that seeds, plants and animals could reach oceanic islands, where they might produce new species in geographic isolation. Both families were largely Unitarian, though the Wedgwoods were adopting Anglicanism. Dejected, Charles declined the offer,[153] and went to Maer for the partridge shooting with a note from his father to "Uncle Jos" Wedgwood. Erasmus was a freethinker who hypothesized that all warm-blooded animals sprang from a single living "filament" long, long ago. He noted the similarity of the cilia in "other ova", with reference to his 1826 publication describing sponge ova. Many species lived in the Firth of Forth, and Grant got winter use of Walford House, Prestonpans, with a garden gate in its high seawall leading to rock pools. As well as field lectures, the course made full use of the Royal Museum of the University which Jameson had developed into one of the largest in Europe. How to Market Your Business with Webinars. Although Darwin changed his field of interest several times in these formative years, many of his later discoveries and beliefs were foreshadowed by the influences he had as a youth. +3 View gallery The medieval. Grant phased announcement of discoveries rather than publishing quickly, and was now looking for a professorship before he ran out of funds, but young Darwin was disappointed. allentown school board General Engineering. Darwin now had breakfast every day with his older cousin William Darwin Fox. [117] The specimens he did not lose had to be mounted and identified, and his knowledge from Edinburgh of Lamarck proved useful. Who was Charles Darwin and how did he become part of the HMS Beagle expedition in 1831? The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". On 16 March 1827 he noted in a new notebook that he had "Procured from the black rocks at Leith" a lumpfish, "Dissected it with Dr Grant". In June he went on a walking tour in North Wales. Darwin writes a thirty-five page sketch of evolutionary theory. Darwin is awarded the Copley medal of the Royal Society (after being nominated three years running). [58], Jameson's own main topic was mineralogy, his natural history course covered zoology and geology, with instruction on meteorology and hydrography, and some discussion on botany as it related to "the animal and mineral kingdoms." [108], His tutors at Christ's College, Cambridge were to include Joseph Shaw in 1828, John Graham (in 1829 1830) and Edward John Ash in 1830 1831. [112] Darwin came into residence in Cambridge on 26 January 1828, and matriculated at the University's Senate House on 26 February. What does it mean to have credibility as a leader? Darwin discusses the epistemological frame of reference of his school, compared to the things he really wanted to learn: In the summer of 1818 I went to Dr. Butler's great school in Shrewsbury, and remained there for seven years till Midsummer 1825, when I was sixteen years old Henslow's outings were attended by 78 men including professor Whewell. To the .mw-parser-output .frac{white-space:nowrap}.mw-parser-output .frac .num,.mw-parser-output .frac .den{font-size:80%;line-height:0;vertical-align:super}.mw-parser-output .frac .den{vertical-align:sub}.mw-parser-output .sr-only{border:0;clip:rect(0,0,0,0);height:1px;margin:-1px;overflow:hidden;padding:0;position:absolute;width:1px}8+12-year-old Charles this situation was not a great change, as his mother had frequently been ill and her available time taken up by social duties, so his upbringing had largely been in the hands of his three older sisters who were nearly adults by then. [52][53] The Wernerian was visited by John James Audubon three times that winter,[54][55] and Darwin saw his lectures on the habits of North American birds. Childhood games included inventing and writing out complex secret codes. Charles went off with the Revd. [107][108], His father was unhappy that his younger son would not become a physician and "was very properly vehement against my turning into an idle sporting man, which then seemed my probable destination." [85] Three days later, on 27 March, the Plinian Society minutes record that Darwin "communicated to the Society" two discoveries, that "the ova of the flustra possess organs of motion", and the small black "ovum" of the Pontobdella muricata. That's according to Jon King, founder of the Darwin Shrewsbury Festival held here in February each year. [51] Coldstream's interest in the skies and identifying sea creatures on the Firth of Forth shore went back to his childhood in Leith. [129], Over Easter Charles stayed at Cambridge, mounting and cataloguing his beetle collection. His son's "present indulgent way" would make studies "utterly useless", and he wanted Darwin to complete the course. There were three hours in the morning on the classics and three in the afternoon on the New Testament and Paley. how old was darwin when he left shrewsbury school. Part of the Darwin exhibition. Lieutenant Robert FitzRoy assumed command of the Beagle, continued the voyage and returned the ship safely to England in 1830. He one day, when we were walking together burst forth in high admiration of Lamarck and his views on evolution. Herbert assisted with the insect collecting, but the usual outcome was that Darwin would examine Herbert's collecting bottle and say "Well, old Cherbury, none of these will do. The Glutton Club attempted to live up to their title by experimentally dining on "birds and beasts which were before unknown to human palate" and tried hawk and bittern, but gave up after eating an old brown owl, "which was indescribable". "At the request of the Society he promised to draw up an account of the facts and to lay them it, together with specimens, before the Society next evening. His experiences and observations helped him develop the theory of evolution through natural selection. In 1831, when Darwin was just 22 years old, he set sail on a scientific expedition on a ship called the HMS Beagle. 1082 Darwin, C. R. to J. D. Hooker [18 April 1847]", "Darwin Correspondence Project Letter 22 Darwin, C. R. to Susan Darwin, 29 January (1826)", Charles Darwin. how old was darwin when he left shrewsbury school. [157] When they arrived a few hours later, Charles' father had decided that he would give "all the assistance in my power".[159]. Darwin kept a diary recording bird observations, and their seashore finds which began with a sea mouse (Aphrodita aculeata) he caught on 2 February and identified from his copy of William Turton's British fauna. Almost fifty years after the course, Darwin recalled Jameson giving a field lecture at Salisbury Crags, "discoursing on a trap-dyke" with "volcanic rocks all around us", saying it was "a fissure filled with sediment from above, adding with a sneer that there were men who maintained that it had been injected from beneath in a molten condition. "[35][36], On 27 March, Susan Darwin wrote to pass on their father's disapproval of Darwin's "plan of picking & chusing what lectures you like to attend", as "you cannot have enough information to know what may be of use to you". Frederick William Hope met other insect collectors. On 6 August he left Shrewsbury with Adam Sedgwick for a geological field trip to North Wales, and after his lone traverse over the Harlech Dome returned to The Mount on Monday 29 August to find . Hope and other friends for three weeks "entomologizing" in North Wales, hunting for beetles and trout fishing. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. He arrived home at The Mount, Shrewsbury, on 29 August, and found a letter from John Stevens Henslow. After a heart attack on Christmas, followed by seizures, Charles Darwin dies, in great suffering, at Down House. It praised Lamarck's transmutation of species concept that from "the simplest worms" arising by spontaneous generation and affected by external circumstances, all other animals "are evolved from these in a double series, and in a gradual manner. When I think of this lecture, I do not wonder that I determined never to attend to Geology. It is around this time that Darwin meets his most influential mentor at Edinburgh, Robert Grant. Then he went off on his own to collect samples and investigate the Vale of Clwyd, looking in vain for the Old Red Sandstone shown by Greenough. In his Autobiography, . [45], To make friends, Darwin had visiting cards printed,[46] and joined student societies. When the Beagle left England in 1831 there were 74 men on board. What did armadillos taste like to Darwin? [15], Darwin attended classes from their start on 26 October. The botanist John Stevens Henslow introduced the 22-year old Darwin to 46-year old Adam Sedgwick, self-educated naturalist and professor for geology and botany at Cambridge University. how old was darwin when he left shrewsbury school. As Jameson noted in October,[96][98] back in 1823 Dalyell had observed the Pontobdella young leaving their cocoons. Later, on the Beagle expedition, he saw evidence which challenged Paley's rose-tinted view, but at this time he was convinced that the Christian revelation established "a future state of reward and punishment" which "gives order for confusion: makes the moral world of a piece with the natural". [4][5], In July 1817 his mother died after the sudden onset of violent stomach pains and amidst the grief his older sisters had to take charge, with their father continuing to dominate the household whenever he returned from his doctor's rounds. After the meeting, he begins writing for publication, encouraged by Lyell, who feared that others might publish the same work before him. Beagle on an exploratory survey. rob nelson net worth big league chew; sims 4 pool slide cc; on target border collies; evil mother in law names "[156] Charles' hopes were revived by this unexpected news, and his relatives came out in favour of the voyage. On one night he and three friends saw the sky lit up and "rode like incarnate devils" eleven miles to see the blaze. [68], Jameson still held to Werner's Neptunist concept that phenomena such as trap dykes had precipitated from a universal ocean. [61] He "had much interesting natural-history talk" with the curator, William MacGillivray, who later published a book on the birds of Scotland. Anatomy and surgery classes began at noon, Darwin was disgusted by the dull and outdated anatomy lectures of professor Alexander Monro tertius, many students went instead to private independent schools, with new ideas of teaching by dissecting corpses (giving clandestine trade to bodysnatchers) his brother went to a "charming Lecturer", the surgeon John Lizars. Darwin now moves quickly. They went on to Capel Curig where Charles struck out on his own across 30miles (50km) of "some strange wild places" to Barmouth. Zoology began with the natural history of man, followed by chief classes of vertebrates and invertebrates, then concluded with philosophy of zoology starting with "Origin of the Species of Animals". [64] In the preface, Jameson said geology discloses "the history of the first origin of organic beings, and traces their gradual developement [sic] from the monade to man himself". [99] In 1826 he had told his sister he would be "forced to go abroad for one year" of hospital studies, as he had to be 21 before taking his degree,[19] but he was too upset by seeing blood or suffering, and had lost any ambition to be a doctor. [135] Paley's benevolent God acted in nature though uniform and universal laws, not arbitrary miracles or changes of laws, and this use of secondary laws provided a theodicy explaining the problem of evil by separating nature from direct divine action. In 1827, Jameson told a commission of inquiry into the curriculum that "It would be a misfortune if we all had the same way of thinking Dr Hope is decidedly opposed to me, and I am opposed to Dr Hope, and between us we make the subject interesting. [110][113], Around this time he wrote to John Coldstream, asking after him, expressing "greif" about hearing that Coldstream had "entirely forsworn Natural History", and assuring him "that no pursuit is more becoming for a physician than Nat: Hist". He kept sponges alive in glass jars for long term observation, and at night used his microscope by candle light to dissect specimens in a watch glass. Darwin did not particularly enjoy school and found some of the work, like Latin and Greek, hard. Robert Waring Darwin, himself quietly a freethinker, had baby Charles baptised on 15 November 1809 in the Anglican St Chad's Church, Shrewsbury, but Charles and his siblings attended the Unitarian chapel with their mother. How old was Darwin when he set sail on the Beagle? [4] . "[40], Jameson edited the quarterly Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, with an international reputation for publishing science. Robert Taylor, both recently jailed for blasphemy, on an "infidel home missionary tour" which caused several days of controversy. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Advertisement. They also visited "the old Dr. Duncan",[24][25] who spoke with the warmest affection about his student and friend Charles Darwin (Darwin's uncle) who had died in 1778. [100], Coldstream studied in Paris for a year, and visited places of interest. Is it easy to get an internship at Microsoft? With the habits of an egg-collector, he popped one ground beetle in his mouth to free his hand, but it ejected some intensely acrid fluid which burnt his tongue and Darwin was forced to spit it out. Monro's lectures included vehement opposition to George Combe's daringly materialist ideas of phrenology,[18][22] but Darwin found "his lectures on human anatomy as dull, as he was himself, and the subject disgusted me." Though the unpopular Proctors were gone, Charles was jolted into thinking of the consequences of law-breaking. FitzRoy was promoted to Captain and named to command the ship on a second voyage, which was to circumnavigate the globe while conducting explorations along the South American coastline and across the South Pacific. The Descent of Man is published, and the Origin is extensively re-written to answer arguments by Mivart. Though he badly needed to catch up with his mathematics, the insect collecting predominated along with pleasant diversions such as hillwalking, boating and fly fishing. It was unique in Britain, covering a wide range of topics including geology, zoology, mineralogy, meteorology and botany. "[11], His father decided that he should leave school earlier than usual, and in 1825 at the age of sixteen Charles was to go along with his brother who was to attend the University of Edinburgh for a year to obtain medical qualifications. "[84], The Wernerian society minutes for 24 March record that Grant read "a Memoir regarding the Anatomy and Mode of Generation of Flustr , illustrated by preparations and drawings", also a notice on "the Mode of Generation" of the skate leech. By July, Charles had returned to his home at The Mount, Shrewsbury. Repelled by the sight of surgery performed without anesthesia, he eventually went to Cambridge University to prepare to become a clergyman in the Church of England. Darwin thought the latter stupid, and said Duncan was "so very learned that his wisdom has left no room for his sense". Christ's College, St Andrew's Street, Charles joined his older cousin William Darwin Fox who was already a skilled collector and like him got a small dog. 01743 280500 Darwin "looked at him and at the whole scene with some awe and reverence". [103][104] While indulging his hobby of shooting with his family's friends at the nearby Woodhouse estate of William Mostyn Owen, Darwin flirted with his second daughter, Frances Mostyn Owen. Eras completed his external hospital study, and returned to Shrewsbury, Darwin found other zoophytes and, on the shore "between Leith & Portobello", caught more sea mice which "when thrown into the sea rolled themselves up like hedgehogs. After correspondence with Wallace (who had come up with a semmingly identical theory), and advised by Hooker and Lyell, extracts from Darwin's work and a paper by Wallace are presented at the Linnean Society. Darwin sits his BA exam, and is astonished to be ranked 10th out of 178 candidates. Darwin returned to Falmouth, England on October 2, 1836, and for the next few years he spent a lot of time cataloguing and recording what he had collected on the voyage. how old was darwin when he left shrewsbury school He collected minerals and insects. HAND Children are the Future. 1825. Cambridge, CB2 3BU, UK "[139] five years Henslow & other Dons give us great credit for our plan: Henslow promises to cram me in geology". [109][110] At that time the only way to get an honours degree was the mathematical Tripos examination, or the classical Tripos created in 1822, which was only open to those who already had high honours in mathematics, or those who were the sons of peers. A paper contributed to the Transactions of the Shropshire Archological Society, "Letter 28 Caroline Darwin to Darwin, C. R., [22 March 1826]", "Letter 29 Susan Darwin to Darwin, C. R., [27 March 1826]", "Letter 30 Darwin, C. R., to Caroline Darwin, 8 April [1826]", "Neptunism and Transformism: Robert Jameson and other Evolutionary Theorists in Early Nineteenth-Century Scotland", "Natural History Collections: The Royal Museum of the University", "Letter 1575 Darwin, C. R., to J. D. Hooker, 29 [May 1854]", Minutes of the Plinian Society recording Darwin's first scientific papers, "On the Ova of Flustra, or, Early Notebook, Containing Observations Made by C.D. [82], Coldstream assisted Grant, and that winter Darwin joined the search, learning what to look for, and dissection techniques using a portable microscope. He touched them so they emitted ink and swam away, and also found a damaged starfish beginning to regrow its arms. Charles Robert Darwin (1809-1882) transformed the way we understand the natural world with ideas that, in his day, were nothing short of revolutionary. . Darwin later regretted his own failure to persevere and learn dissection.The city was in an uproar over political and religious controversies, and the competitive system where professors were dependent on attracting student fees for income meant that the university was riven with argumentative feuds and conflicts. What did Darwin do on his journey? This sixth and last edition uses the word 'evolution' for the first time. They admired it immensely; Darwin thought Bridge Street "most extraordinary" as, on looking over the sides, "instead of a fine river we saw a stream of people". [142] Henslow insisted that "he should be grieved if a single word was altered" and emphasised the need to respect authority. 3 What were Darwins 3 important observations? By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Darwin is elected to the Royal Society's Philosophical Club, and to the Linnean Society. one would like to know who it was, just to feel obliged to him. Charles Darwin is born at The Mount, Shrewsbury, the fifth child of Robert Waring Darwin, physician, and Susannah Wedgwood. [8] He continued collecting minerals and insects, and family holidays in Wales brought Charles new opportunities, but an older sister ruled that "it was not right to kill insects" for his collections, and he had to find dead ones. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Influenced by his father's fashionable interest in natural history, he tried to make out the names of plants, and was given by his father two elementary natural history books. Darwin marries Emma Wedgwood, his first cousin. He described these "extremely rare" insects and asked Herbert to oblige him by collecting some more of them. Eventually, to Darwin's mind there were "no advantages and many disadvantages in lectures compared with reading. which was printed in parts, with the first description under Darwin's name appearing in an appendix dated 15 June 1829.[126]. When did Charles Darwin return to Falmouth England? CUL-DAR5.A49-A51 Transcribed by Kees Rookmaaker and edited by John van Wyhe, discussion from Janet Browne. His diary notes religious thoughts,[105] and occasional anguished comments such as "the foul mass of corruption within my own bosom", "corroding desires" and "lustful imaginations". [26][27] Darwin wrote "What an extraordinary old man he is, now being past 80, & continuing to lecture", though Dr. Hawley thought Duncan was now failing. On this page, you can discover the stories behind some of the passengers aboard the ship with whom Darwin spent five years away from home. As a naturalist, it was his job to observe and collect specimens of plants, animals, rocks, and fossils wherever the expedition went ashore. He went a short tour, visiting Dundee, St Andrews, Stirling, Glasgow, Belfast and Dublin,[100] then in May made his first trip to London to visit his sister Caroline. 5 What countries did Darwin visit on his voyage? That summer, amongst horse riding and beetle collecting, Charles visited his cousin Fox, and this time Charles was teaching entomology to his older cousin. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Darwin backs him nonetheless, excusing himself from combat because of illness. Charles Robert Darwin was born in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England on 12 February 1809 at his family home, the Mount, [1] He was the fifth of six children of wealthy society doctor and financier Robert Waring Darwin , and Susannah Darwin ( ne Wedgwood). I had previously read the Zonomia of my grandfather, in which similar views are maintained, but without producing any effect on me. 10th April 1882 After a heart attack on Christmas, followed by seizures, Charles Darwin dies, in great suffering, at Down House. As well as the shores of the Forth, he and Ainsworth took boat trips to Fife and the islands. That autumn, he is sent to Edinburgh University, with his brother Erasmus, to study medicine. [65][66], The lectures were heavy going for a young student,[63] and Darwin remembered Jameson as an "old brown, dry stick",[67] He recalled Jameson's lectures as "incredibly dull. This is where Charles Darwin was baptized in November, 2009. Around this time, he had an earnest conversation with John Herbert about going into Holy Orders, and asked him whether he could answer yes to the question that the Bishop would put in the ordination service, "Do you trust that you are inwardly moved by the Holy Spirit". The Admiralty would look after him well, but "you & Charles must decide. / by John Hutton Balfour; with an introduction by the Rev. Darwin added that "I am going to learn to stuff birds, from a blackamoor he only charges one guinea, for an hour every day for two months". He writes a book, stripped of academic references and aimed at the reading public, called On the Origin of Species. According to his children, Darwina doting family man at a time when active fathers were rarespoke these words to his wife Emma shortly before dying: I am not the least afraid of death. Yet I feel sure that I was prepared for a philosophical treatment of the subject", and he had been delighted when he read an explanation for erratic boulders. He was best known for his contributions to the science of evolution. He hates the school, describing it as "narrow and classical". [151] He had parted from Sedgwick by 20 August, and travelled via Ffestiniog. and then to the Council of the Royal Geographical Society. He regularly published in the Edinburgh Philosophical Journal, and also assisted the research of Robert Edmond Grant, who had studied under Jameson before graduating in 1814, and was researching simple marine lifeforms for evidence of the transmutation conjectured in Erasmus Darwin's Zoonomia and Lamarck's writings. The secretary minuted the titles, any publication was in other journals. They had more amusement from concluding each meeting with "a game of mild vingt-et-un". Henslow wrote "I assure you I think you are the very man they are in search of". Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals completes great cycle of evolutionary writings. For the exam he slogged away at Greek and Latin, and studied William Paley's Evidences of Christianity, becoming so delighted with Paley's logic that he learnt it well. Catastrophism claimed that animals and plants were periodically annihilated as a result of natural catastrophes and then replaced by new species created ex nihilo (out of nothing). "[132] In later life he recalled Paley and Euclid being the only part of the course which was useful to him, and "By answering well the examination questions in Paley, by doing Euclid well, and by not failing miserably in Classics, I gained a good place among the , or crowd of men who do not go in for honours. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Today, the minister of St. Chad's is an enthusiastic supporter of the . Darwin had been taught otherwise by Grant, and reflected quietly on this, biding his time. That evening Charles told of a tropical shell found in a nearby gravel pit and was impressed when Sedgwick responded that it must have been thrown away there, as it contradicted the known geology of the area. [123] On 18 May Darwin wrote to Fox enthusing about his success with beetle collecting, "I think I beat Jenyns in Colymbetes", contrasted with his lack of application to studies: "my time is solely occupied in riding & Entomologizing". He believed "Dr. Grant noticed my small discovery in his excellent memoir on Flustra. When he was 13 years old, he set up a science lab in his garden shed. Although several biographers since the 1980s have referred to these rooms as traditionally having been occupied by the theologian William Paley, research by John van Wyhe found that historical documentation did not support this idea.[121]. Jos wrote suggesting that Charles would be likely to "acquire and strengthen, habits of application", and "Natural History is very suitable to a Clergyman." [25] These lessons in taxidermy were with the freed black slave John Edmonstone, who also lived in Lothian Street. Darwin reads his first scientific paper "Observationson the coast of Chile" at the Geological Society in London.

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how old was darwin when he left shrewsbury school