
ghostbusters commercial script

Ray, pretend for a moment that I don't know anything about metallurgy, engineering, or physics, and just tell me what the hell is going on. Dr. Egon Spengler: This time, at the fashionable dance club, "The Rose." ghostbusters commercial script. Don't patronize me, I'm not grotesquely stupid, like the people you've bilked! Dr. Raymond Stantz: I read a lot myself. Welcome to Teesstar.com, some of our products are recommended for you. Hotel Manager: You gotta learn to play rough! Dr. Raymond Stantz: Forget it, Venkman. The Hotel Manager comes running up behind them]. I tried to think of the most harmless thing. Dr. Egon Spengler: the flowers are still standing! I am the Keymaster! Louis: So, does anybody wanna play Parcheesi? [after Gozer disappears] And would this storage facility be located on these premises? Successful test. The whole island's going crazy. Dr. Raymond Stantz: Got him! I, I never seen anything like this before. Walter Peck: Your honor, our system was working just fine until the power grid was turned off by wally wick here. [Desperate] Louis: [Holds up another card] Janine Melnitz: Archbishop: Walter Peck: I saw it, I saw it, I saw it. All right, I'm gonna turn over the next card. Reitman told Insider he didn't want it out that he was working on a "Ghostbusters" script. [Turns over the card] Dr. Raymond Stantz: You know, to try it out. Janine is seen answering the telephone with a big fake smile on her face. Its only after government incompetence brings back the ghosts that the mayor goes for the privately managed but voter-friendly option. [offers Ray a drink, which he reluctantly accepts]. We got it. This ecto containment system that Spengler and I have in mind is gonna require a load of bread to capitalize. Dr. Raymond Stantz: -- A FARMHOUSE OUTSIDE NEW YORK CITY -- NIGHT On the farmhouse roof a CHICKEN-SHAPED WEATHERVANE stands silhouetted against a FULL, BLOOD-RED MOON. Master the art of visual storytelling with our FREE video series on directing and filmmaking techniques. Hey, wait a minute. Dr. Peter Venkman: Just relax. Dr. Raymond Stantz: Just a few months after landing its new release date, Ghostbusters 4 has gotten a promising script update from star Ernie Hudson. That oughta do it. Can't you do something about it. Cease and desist all commerce order, seizure of premises and chattels, ban on use of public utilities for unauthorized waste handlers, and a federal entry and inspection order. Chew your food. Actual physical contact! Walter Peck: You're not cheating me, are you? I saw it! Lenny, offically the church won't take any postion with the religious implications of these phenomenons. Something terrible is about to enter our world, and this building is obviously the door. Okay, who brought the dog? And there were flames, and I heard a voice say "Zuul"! Dana. Step aside. Dr. Peter Venkman: I'm getting a little tired of this. Dr. Peter Venkman: They smile at the camera as a phone number is supered on the screen. Dr. Raymond Stantz: Dr. Peter Venkman: A behind-the-scenes video reveals some outtakes from the filming of the Ghostbusters commercial in the original movie. Librarian Alice: [ they arm their packs ] Dr. Raymond Stantz , Dr. Egon Spengler , Winston Zeddemore : SMOKIN'! A visual medium requires visual methods. Dr. Raymond Stantz: I'm warning ya. Dr. Peter Venkman : Heat 'em up! [alone again] Dana Barrett: As a result, the final film has dialogue that isnt actually in the script, a lot of which does come from Murray. I am The Gatekeeper! Dr. Peter Venkman: [Turns over the card and zaps the male student]. [cornered by the the demon Vinz Clortho] Venkman! What sign are you waiting for? There's serious metal fatigue in all the load-bearing members, the wiring is substandard, it's completely inadequate for our power needs, and the neighborhood is like a demilitarized zone. Louis would have been similar to. Every ancient religion has its own myth about the end of the world. and see how the script, while a little different from the final film, provided the basis for memorable quotes, characters, and themes. Dana. The mother and the kids look at him with disappointment. No sweat, I'll take a rain check on that. Dr. Raymond Stantz: Cold-riveted girders with cores of pure selenium. Wasn't so hard. Gozer the Gozerian, good evening. My parents left me that house. Volguus Zildrohar, Lord of the Sebouillia. Into a storage facility. Venkman, get a sample of this. Dr. Peter Venkman: Simply turning it off would be like dropping a bomb on the city. He will come in one of the pre-chosen forms. Egon, your mucus. Ray, Ray, come in please. [the Ghostbusters exit the elevator. Some of the dialog was originally written for the Ghostbusters TV commercial, where it would have been said by a troubled family. Wolfhard assumed that would take him out of the running for this film. Well, that's all we get day in, day out around this place. If the answer is yes, then don't wait another minute. LET'S DO IT! [Persuading the mayor to let them stop a supernatural upheaval]. We can be on the verge of a four-fold cross rip. Past-life experience intruding on present time. To our FIRST and ONLY customer. #Commercial #BillMurray #DanAykroyd #HaroldRamis #IvanReitman #SonyPictures #Sony [Venkman arrives at 55 Central Park West, a few minutes after Louis was chased out by the demon Vinz Clortho]. Tell him about the Twinkie. Well, that's all right. While funny, it also gives us an example as to how uniquely written these characters are. Dr. Raymond Stantz: Dr. Egon Spengler: Peter Venkman (Bill Murray), Ray Stantz (Dan Aykroyd), Egon Spengler (Harold Ramis) and Winston Zeddemore (Ernie Hudson) take a chance on going freelance, de-haunting houses in a new ghost removal service. Ghostbusters Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Whoa! This is also a big reason why Ghostbusters was a big hit then and still a big hit now: relatable, down-to-earth characters and solutions going against paranormal and exaggerated problems. Walter Peck is the government stooge that wants to bureaucratically bring down the Ghostbusters. We must prepare for the coming of Gozer. But most definately wrong. Dr. Raymond Stantz [heads across the room, greeting other guests]. She barks, she drools, she claws Dr. Egon Spengler: Whoa! Hold it! Shut it off! Slow down. Murrays deadpan and defeated delivery is contrasted by Aykroyds visible excitement for actual physical contact! Even Spengler (who tells them Slimer is in the ballroom) gets a comedic moment when he stoically asks for a sample. They each have distinct personalities, ways of speaking, and approaches to things. I am madly in love with you. Did you see it? Do you want some coffee, Mr. Tulley? Somebody blows their nose and wanna keep it? Dr. Raymond Stantz: I come home from work to my place and all I have is my work. [to librarian Alice] Dr. Raymond Stantz: Some of the other fun quotes from the script include: Ive worked in the private sector. Venkman is critical and sarcastic about the encounter, Stantz is ecstatic about it, and Spengler lets them know that the trip brought with it useful scientific data. Dr. Peter Venkman: Dana Barrett: Shut it off. I'm Peter. The dead rising from the grave! Dr. Raymond Stantz: The full commercial (again, without the on-screen graphics) also appears in the PlayStation 3 version of Ghostbusters: The Video Game. [Sarcastically] [hesitates] Dr. Raymond Stantz: OK so she's a dog Dr. Raymond Stantz: And since the Ghostbusters are the relatable heroes, its obvious that Peck and his court order are the bad guys who (unintentionally) help bring about the destructor.. special olympics records ghostbusters commercial script . Dr. Peter Venkman: Louis: Browse and download PDFs for all of our scripts as you read, write and practice your craft to become the next great screenwriter. Janine, sorry about the bug eyes thing I'll be in my office. What has that got to do with it? You've never been out of college. You know, you're a real humanitarian. It's OK; the table broke the fall. Dr. Raymond Stantz [the Victorian Lady Ghost is floating in mid-air, reading a book]. Dr. Peter Venkman: Egon Spenglers interaction with secretary Janine Melnitz gives us an amusing exchange, along with the famous spores, molds and fungus line. Shut these all off! What? Back off, man. man Walter Peck is inquiring about the Ghostbusters effect on the environment. I taped a 20-minute workout and played it back at high speed on my machine so it only took ten minutes. Dan Aykroyd wrote the initial draft with his imagination totally uninhibited, emphasizing more strongly the science-fiction elements of the story and making the supernatural characters more prevalent. As a transit cop chats amiably with a female cashier, the subway turnstiles begin spinning unaccountably. No! Rather than making an aerial passage uptown, the ghosts descend into an all but deserted subway station. I think this building should be condemned. Spengler slowly shakes his head. So what? [steps in front of Peck] July 6, 1983 Draft (credit: Lawrence Duane), Aug. 5, 1983 Draft (credit: Keith Alioto). Louis: The Ghostbusters commentary and "Making Ghostbusters" explain this was a deleted scene recycled into a dream sequence. I've worked in the private sector they expect results. That's gotta be some cockroach. In Stranger Things: Chapter Two: Trick or Treat, Freak (2017), Finn Wolfhard 's character dressed up as a Ghostbuster for Halloween. Dr. Raymond Stantz: Can I talk to Dana? What he means is Old Testament, Mr. Mayor, real wrath of God type stuff. I'll be in my office. Venkman turns to the real estate agent, surrounded by excited reporters during the montate sequence, which shows the Ghostbusters as a sudden popular culture craze, surveying a wrecked apartment building corridor having climbed over thirty flights of stairs with his proton pack, after nearly being crushed by a falling bookcase, in front of the library ghost, their first ghost sighting, Egon and Ray stare at each other in silence. That was your whole plan, huh, "get her." Does this pole still work? Dr Ray Stantz: I'm warning you. At the same time, Peck comes back to the Ghostbusters HQ and demands their field generator be shut off, resulting in a storm of released phantasms on the city. I don't want my face burned off! I'll take Miss Barrett back to her apartment and check her out. Are you troubled by strange noises in the middle of the night? But at 19%, you didn't even bargain with the guy! [Louis is being chased by the demon Vinz Clortho]. [as The Gatekeeper] Tall Woman at Party: The awards reflect something Paul Feig indicated in interviews, which is that Rowan is meant to be a dark mirror of Abby and Erin, with all three characters being outcast scientists whose ideas are rejected by society, with the Ghostbusters using their knowledge for good and Rowan using it for evil. [Ray and Egon shout and blast her cart with proton beams]. We certainly can, Dr. Venkman. Just ordered some more vitamins and stuff. I swear, they're just coming to me. Dr. Peter Venkman: The #Ghostbusters are ready to serve all your supernatural elimination needs.For a limited time, the original 1984 movie will play at theaters and drive-ins with a special message for the fans. Because I'm curious. Dr. Raymond Stantz: There is no Dana, there is only Zuul. Hotel Manager: Male Student: Have you or your family ever seen a spook, spectre or ghost? Placing it in New York City helps, as does making the heroes everyday joes who go into business for themselves after being fired from a university. Coachman: Chambermaid: READY! What has that got to do with anything? Boy, the superintendent's gonna be pissed! Dr. Peter Venkman: [whispering] [reporting on the Ghostbusters] But now, as if some unforeseen authority [the Ghostbusters arrive at the Sedgewick Hotel in Ecto-1, fully decked out in uniform and gear]. Bye, Louis. There's definitely a VERY SLIM chance we'll survive. Well, you've looked better. Ramis passed away in 2014, after years of complications from autoimmune inflammatory vasculitis. Did you choose anything? Were in a golden age of TV writing and development. Dr. Peter Venkman: We've neutronized it, you know what that means? Your theories are the worst kind of popular tripe, your methods are sloppy, and your conclusions are highly questionable. Dr. Peter Venkman: You actually eat this stuff? It's true, your honor. Nice working with you, Dr. Venkman. "We'll have to get back with you on that.". Well, this is great. We never talk any more. Yeah, it's a sign, all right. [Venkman shakes hands with Peck and still has ectoplasm on his hands]. Do you want this body? levels of organization in a coral reef overnight stocker wegmans pay. Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together MASS HYSTERIA! Now, for the entrapment, we're gonna have to ask you Dr. Peter Venkman: Personally Lenny, I think it's a sign from God, but don't quote me on that. Dr. Peter Venkman : [ as the Ghostbusters approach Gozer ] Grab your stick! Aykroyd then pitched it to director Ivan Reitman, who . To our first custumer. Hey Ray. I got a great workout. Dr. Peter Venkman: Louis: [after the beautiful female student has guessed 5 out of 5 cards right while he has "none"; actually he has one] Dr. Raymond Stantz: Ghostbusters, what do you want? There is definitely something here. Dr. Peter Venkman: 131K views 2 years ago #Ghostbusters #BillMurray #SonyPictures You know who to call. Dr. Peter Venkman: Dr. Egon Spengler: Louis: [arriving, to the officer] Dr. Peter Venkman: How 'bout a little music? We've only got 75 more to go, c'mon what this one. Dr. Egon Spengler: Their MOTHER and FATHER, rush in to find the children cowering against the wall. Lie down there, relax. I've tried everything, honey! The Board of Regents has decided to terminate your grant. You are a poor scientist, Dr. Venkman! [to a cellmate looking over his shoulder blueprints] Dr. Egon Spengler charges his proton pack, Chambermaid enters Hallway/corridor from Hotel Room, Ray and Egon shout and blast her cart with proton beams, the Victorian Lady Ghost is floating in mid-air, reading a book, Dana is at home doing exercises as she watches the news on television, Ghostbusters fire away at Slimer; chandelier falls to the floor, the Ghostbusters arrive at the Sedgewick Hotel in Ecto-1, fully decked out in uniform and gear, a pretty lady goes by. The ghostbusters are locked up but soon released, as the mayor doesnt know how to handle the freed ghosts situation. This city is headed for a disaster of biblical proportions. She thought I was a creep, she thought I was a geek, and she probably wasn't the first. It sounds like you've got at least two or three people in there already. Well, no sense in worrying about it now. Dr. Peter Venkman: Dr. Peter Venkman: Walter Peck: From the September 30, 1983 draft to the final shooting script for Ghostbusters and on page 136 of Ghostbusters: The Supernatural Spectacular, Winston's resume listed him as a black belt in karate. Okay, so I'll see you later, huh? Venkman, Stantz and Spengler are standing in front of the Ghostbusters' sign. Winston Zeddemore: Dr. Egon Spengler charges his proton pack], [Chambermaid enters Hallway/corridor from Hotel Room], Dr. Raymond Stantz: I'm making a special exception in your case. This is the Ghostbusters' commercial that partially appears in the film, as written in the script. Why don't you have some of the brie, it's at room temperature! Ray, when someone asks you if you're a god, you say, "yes!". The Ghostbusters script may have started as a wild Aykroyd idea, but thanks to his creativity and Ramis and Reitman keeping it grounded, a unique and beloved franchise was born. That's great! I demand an explanation. We're paying you, are we? Will you please leave? [Janine opens the front door and sees a policeman]. Hotel Manager: [clearing away tables in the dining room to make room for the ghost trap]. Louis: Realizing he may not have another option, the mayor allows the 'busters to get their gear and take care of business. Dana Barrett: Two statues on Barretts apartment building come to life and take over the bodys of both Barrett and her nerdy neighbor, Louis Tully. No, we're exterminators. ,Winston Zeddemore: Dr. Raymond Stantz: Do you believe in UFOs, astral projections, mental telepathy, ESP, clairvoyance, spirit photography, telekinetic movement, full trance mediums, the Loch Ness monster and the theory of Atlantis? All these years later and Ghostbusters remains the . Yeah, we can do more damage that way. We're paying for this stuff! Mentally incompetent? What I'm about to say may sound a little unusual. Dana Barrett: Dr. Raymond Stantz: Mr. Stay Puft! This is Casey Kasem. As a friend, I have to tell ya you've finally gone around the bend on this ghost business. Dr. Raymond Stantz: [interrupting] Well that's great. Janine Melnitz: As filmed, the parts with the family were eliminated (though some of the dialog was repurposed for the Ghostbusters II commercial ), just leaving Peter, Ray, and Egon to give their spiel in front of the firehouse. Quite simple really. Oh, don't move, I just gotta get the door. Dr. Peter Venkman: Dr. Peter Venkman: Dr. Raymond Stantz: Can you move? Jail Guard: But as Lessons from the Screenplay explains in the video below, Ghostbusters managed to take that simple premise and do something unexpected with it: ground it in reality. Nimble little minx, in't she? Going up? We can see how Murray adapts the moment from the script into the scene, along with how Sigourney Weaver pulls off being possessed. Dr. Peter Venkman: Walter Peck: Dr. Peter Venkman: Louis: Dr. Peter Venkman: Who would make up a story like that? Walter Peck: Dr. Raymond Stantz: I meet you, and I say, my God, there's someone with the same problem I have. Dr. Peter Venkman: Earthquakes, volcanoes Winston Zeddemore: [handing the manager a check] The point of view pans out to reveal a security guard watching television. Winston Zeddemore: [Stops Ray] But we are having a special this week on proton charging and storage of the beast Dr. Peter Venkman: You go get a court order, and I'll sue your funny ass for wrongful prosecution. Well, listen, maybe if we start dancing other people will join in! He's a sailor, he's in New York; we get this guy laid, we won't have any trouble! Venkman turns to the real estate agent]. Let me guess: Gozer worshipers. And may I see this storage facility? [Vinz Clortho growls from inside the bedroom]. I'm givin' this whole thing as a promotional expense, that's why I invited clients instead of friends. I'm gonna throw up. That makes good financial sense, good advice Louis: And how many ghosts have you caught, Mr. Venkman? [Pause] Dr. Egon Spengler: [sarcastically] [Inspecting Dana's refrigerator for paranormal activity]. This makes them that much more fun and easier to connect with, which is part of what makes the movie so enduring with kids and adults alike. Dana? To his surprise, Jason Reitman cast Wolfhard because he identified with Wolfhard's audition tape. [to the library ghost, as Spengler analyzes her with the P.K.E. [Louis and the Tall Woman begin disco dancing. Just pick up the phone and call the professionals -- Ghostbusters. You're more like a game show host. That's bad. What's Gozer? [interrupting] We don't wanna lose her. Dr. Raymond Stantz: Something that could never, ever possibly destroy us. Then, during the third reconciliation of the last of the McKetrick supplicants, they chose a new form for him: that of a giant Slor! Dr. Peter Venkman: I remember Revelations 6:12?And I looked, and he opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake. Forty years of darkness! I believe that everything happens for a reason. What is a Production Company in Film (& What Do They Do? In the video below, at about 6:25, you can see Murray, Aykroyd, and co-star and co-writer Harold Ramis trying out a few alternate names for their paranormal team. Dr. Peter Venkman: Walter Peck: Ray, when someone asks you if you're a god, you say "YES"! Walter Peck: You didn't used to look like this. No, no. The usual stuff isn't working. Anything. How 'bout a little music? And I love Jesus's style, you know. Mother, Father and Kids wave goodbye to the Ghostbusters. Not necessarily. [the ghost transforms horrifically and snarls aggressively. [Walter Peck gets kicked out of the Mayor's Office] Walter Peck: You have been a participant in the biggest interdimensional cross rip since the Tunguska blast of 1909! Now, on with the countdown. Dr. Raymond Stantz: I'm gonna get him a nice fruit basket.

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ghostbusters commercial script