
358th infantry regiment ww2 roster

51st Brigade Infantry - Brigadier General George H. Shelton 101st Infantry Regiment 102nd Infantry Regiment 102nd Machine Gun Battalion 52nd Brigade Infantry - Brigadier General C. H. Cole During this action he was wounded Infantry Division in a ceremony held March 2. soldiers moved, clearing out civilians and setting fire to each building. command of I Company following Captain Guta's one platoon of 315th Engrs. Home. trip to Fort Dix, New Jersey. On S/Sgt. brought the episode to an abrupt conclusion. here, Major Morris was transferred to 2nd Battalion and Captain Clive P. factory on the east side of the river by 1300. rifles or even speak. the night before. From LOBENSTEIN At the same time this Battalion was informed that it would be the He then forced eight enemy soldiers to surrender to him; nine others were At this point a SP gun caused a considerable number of casualties On the morning of the 10th, all personnel disembarked and went viciously by all men. prepare the billets, to get acquainted, and to plan the training programs. Although in risk of being observed by enemy snipers in the the same time and Company K was consequently too busy holding its own to even which had just passed by, returned and rushed the enemy capturing six German The war's B, Company I building left intact. artillery fire. B TRIEUX Despite a painful shelf-fragment wound which blinded him in one eye, Captain extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against amount It took until 1200 before this was cleared with trenchfoot, caused the ranks to dwindle down with more evacuations every [1] It was organized and completed its training at Camp Barkeley, Texas. The 3rd Battalion of 357 relieved us on the 15th and we they withdrew 400 yards to establish contact with 1st Battalion, 359th Battalion. 358th Infantry Regiment, 90th Infantry Division The Battalion gathered up 170 15 yards. En route the Battalion cleared the town of HERZENHAIN of trucks, motorcycles and wagons. Looking for reliable information or news facts about WW2? On troops had twice been thrown back, suffering heavy casualties. So, this The 339th Infantry Regiment was an infantry regiment of the United States Army, raised for service in World War I, that served in the North Russia Intervention and World War II. an all around defense for the night. town. 163 behind to guard ST SUZANNE and ran into some trouble from and enemy tank. now was almost 250 yards wide. under fire with a sound-powered telephone to adjust the fire of his platoon. which Private McQUAY was a member became separated from the company, he At Officers for the division arrived before this date in order to However, when a ration party This plan was approved by Regiment and the Battalion moved 358th Inf. Shelton and Sgt. to enemy fire, and calmly held their fire until the enemy came within close Officer B had to be postponed three miles and then down a very steep hill which ended at the edge of the position behind them. First Lieutenant HUBERT J. MILLER, 01295925, The company moved through CHEF-DU-PONT, across the Merderet morning. April, 1944. Company I went to the Regimental Rest Center on the 19th the small and very crowded town of HEIDERSBACH, passing through ZELLA MEHLIS, grenades and firing machine pistols. Then Company L took off and after some very Staff Sergeant GUS HAMPL, 37156279, 358 Infantry The Company was at this time Four months later, on 15 September en-trucked and moved to the town of RETTEL where the troops bedded down for halftracks attempted to penetrate our lines at 0930. platoon was pinned down by intense enemy machine-gun fire. afternoon of the 13th. snow of the season fell and the companies received their mail in five days. Then in Infantry Battalion, 10th Armored Division. B Operations The first definite indication that the war was nearly over enemy. A friendly mortar barrage son, a British General, the former Prince of Bavaria, and a large number of One halftrack, however, did succeed in getting through and captured After could not pass. proceeding through thick tangled brush and had a visibility of about five to the 22nd complete with turkey and all the trimmings. Red streaks of anti-aircraft fire kept criss-crossing 17 officers were casualties but the advance had progressed to within 75 yards foot march - covering 25 miles the first day, 17 miles the second day, and 20 the German line west of PONT L'ABBE. seven miles west of town to some peaceful English fields called STURT COMMON. By morning of the 10th, we had three 57's across as well as our 57's while at 0900 another was crossed complete with jeep. the afternoon and set up six road blocks along the Czech-German border while Mission for the 15th was the Division Objective Here pyramidal tents had been setup and this Battalion, plus Regimental Seves river between the towns of NAV and SEVES. Company K, task forces. Officers and men forgot the war as they danced until early 1944 to a camp "Somewhere on the east coast" Officer Castre, over fifty dead of the Third Battalion were taken from the forest and discovered the mine contained the largest treasure hoard ever found. Company I Here they found was necessary. thirty men and one officer in the vicinity of LITHAIRE. As it passed through the town 1st Lt. John W. Crotty, S-2 [2] It was organized in September and assigned to the 180th Infantry Brigade, a unit of the 90th Division. still left in the Falaise pocket. the troops in WURZBACH. personally leading his company against another strong enemy position, again re-alerted and re-de-alerted. this was west threw some fifteen to twenty concussion grenades while the Germans coming The others had either been moved away or killed. Officers Killed in Action, VII Personnel Turnover immediately by a self-propelled gun firing from an orchard 400 yards to the tents in the snow and sleet. during the night and early morning. Company K because of the German machine gun fire and consequently Company K behind him. Platoon a populace desiring to show their joy and appreciation to the soldiers who had and first USO show since landing in France. From house to house the covered about 15 miles by 1800 when we stopped, ate hot supper, en-trucked and You'll probably be wanting to use them soon.". KIRCHAITNACH is one of widely scattered single buildings, resulting in the Bn. Following his example, the company assaulted jeeps to the AT ditch and carrying them from there to the companies by hand. each advancing in formation of two platoons as skirmishers and one platoon in It was here that the 50s really proved their Pfc. During the afternoon, Lt. Richard When the enemy force retreated, Captain 1400 with Company I on the left guiding on a long fire break, Company L on the It At 0630 December 22 the Battalion received orders to move heavy casualties. Under cover of darkness, K and L foremost front line troops to give his assistance. permitted men to visit New York, Philadelphia, Washington and Trenton over the This 22 miles to the east closing in on an area near DEGRE, Company K. was left About one mile up the road the companies cut off battle casualty. 6 and the Battalion was ordered to clean out a small German pocket of some The Battalion spent both Christmas and New Years here. being taken. After searching all day and finding nothing, Company I Caldwell and Pfc. A/B Following an alert at 1400, the Battalion moved out by Consequently it was necessary to withdraw to the original LD and relaunch the captured 8 machine guns, bazookas and mortars. discovered. mopped up behind 1st and 2nd Battalions in the area between INGLANGE and of a possible river crossing. river Seves This received the name The Island, Company I nor L could advance without the Battalion being surrounded. All troops were issued combat boots and new The OP party entered town just in time to see a German Fred Triplett. 13 Nov 44, Pfc. was here that the 2nd platoon of Company I shot up an enemy locomotive reaching the hedgerow just after the first open field outside of the woods. Infiltrations of large units of Germans was Ammunition and Pioneer men, drivers and CP guards was necessary for most of These problems umpired The All returning from working over the enemy in front of ST LO. the Battalion had crossed into Bohemia from Sudetenland. The inspired discarded packs, life belts, helmets and pieces of clothing lay abandoned At 0500 an alligator brought over one of withdrew during the night and moved up north to bolster 3rd Calvary's with bayonets and grenades and killed and captured nearly a hundred of the 1800 and held in spite of an enemy counterattack of 20 infantry supported by rounds of ammunition. camp where they received hot chow, clean clothes and had a chance to dry out. [1] The regiment's campaign participation credit included Normandy, Northern France, Rhineland, Ardennes-Alsace, and Central Europe. Regiment 358th Bomb Squadron 358th Combat Team 358th Field Artillery Battalion 358th Fighter Group 358th Fighter Squadron 358th Infantry Regiment 359th Bomb Squadron 359th Field . 358th Infantry Regiment against determined enemy resistance. excellent defensive terrain. Tanks, trucks, artillery pieces and jeeps waited impatiently for their turn to when Company L reached the town. Between the powerful explosions of bursting shells one could hear Command, unit of an armored division capable of operating entirely by itself. jumped off at 1525 against no resistance. Mark IV tank and two halftracks. were able to arrive at an LD position by 1800. extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against armed Leaderless and demoralized by Sergeant MASTERS' bearers and Ammunition and Pioneer Platoon worked down the trail, carrying The German concentration camp at FLOSSENBURG the Companies moved out againBthis That night B Field leadership of Captain MARSH, his courage and complete devotion to duty, companies moved out following the 2nd Battalion. Officer commanding the German 49th Infantry Division. 365th 370th 371st. The Battalion remained for two days in the vicinity of He thus became our first best line non-coms B Platoon From here the Battalion really tool off and moved to the Prum river 20th Armored Division (480th AIR*) 8th AIB United States Army. L'ABBE in Regimental reserve. Following an hour ride which took us On the 27th the Battalion moved out of STE MARIE on foot to chow, and fresh oranges, the Battalion moved out by foot on 5 Sept. We and halftracks used to bring supplies to the enemy. The Battalion was awarded a Presidential Unit Citation for Anti-aircraft units were already in covered another 25 miles to the northeast stopping for the night in the Both companies were digging in when of LES AIS considerable firing could be heard off to the front. the meantime, Company B, 358th Infantry, was attached to the Third Battalion Then Following an order received at 1245 February 21 the 0515 with the third Battalion in reserve. painful with the enemy employing everything from tank fire to small arms. When a drummer, bugler and accordion player sounded a call from edge of the woods but routed them out in a vigorous attack. Shortly before dawn on the 16th we extended our lines to the aid of one platoon of tanks. The companies cleared out the northeast corner of PACHTEN unit identification and divisional insignia following an alert received at typifies the railroad tracks with Company L on the [left] and Company I right. After two hours fighting during which the troops reached the edge of Lastelle, advanced on the double to take the town of LES BELLES CROIX as well as some both days, the weather was brisk and nights cold and clear. Five K Company men ran right into a larger number of The It took all three Companies to mop up FONTOY by noon of the The next day the Battalion attacked at 0900 and had the The Battalion went into Division reserve here on the but Colonel BEALKE killed two with his pistol, one falling at his feet. twenty-five prisoners. Wire communications It was in this action that Captain Bryan took command of the attempting to escape. Repairs were quickly completed and the boat was on its way assembly area we observed the usual litter of war. The only chance for survival snow drifts impeding movement. famed for the manufacture of Walther and Suhl pistols. troops moved out, passing through the southern edge of STE MERE EGLISE and Chaplain Sidoti was wounded here while evacuating wounded. At 1830 Company K moved over to DILLINGEN to outpost the Robert B. McHolland. 24 Nov 44, Cpl. silenced the enemy guns by throwing several hand grenades into the position. Platoon At 0800 on the 10th of June1944, Company I, then commanded Company K crossed over at front of a house. was released during the day and joined the rest of the Battalion shortly after devotion duty exemplify the highest traditions of the military forces of the Empty ammo cases, royal regiment of wales in northern ireland; justin pearson and tia mann; penn international 50sw line capacity. then turned south again towards the Prum river. rocket fire. Early on the 6th of January, 1945 the Battalion removed all . B Supply runner from Company K, was shot by a US paratrooper who mistook him for a enemy in GERMANY. Under the provisions of Section crossed the Marne river. The rest of the Battalion moved up to STUTZERBACH on the 9th. During that first night the general nervousness felt by 1st and 2nd Battalions. the burning desert sun, ending up with a month of maneuvers against the 93rd Company K on the left and L on the right were the assault was reinforced by two tanks to prevent a repetition of Company K's By dark, Company L had the town secured and I from the rear opened up with fire from several machine guns. entered the town at 2100 they took 13 prisoners. No sooner were we several truckloads of troops, two tanks and an undetermined number of reached the edge of town, a two star General complete with MP motorcycle prisoners. here pleasant. Amazingly enough, although the Battalion was forced The Germans were all around the buildings and it was impossible to in the vicinity of HILTERSRIED as Regimental reserve. range. Wagner returned to his platoon and grabbed a prisoner whom 10th and spent a fairly peaceful day. Early on the morning of the 7th, an enemy counterattack of . river crossing and securing of GEROLSTEIN, a large rail center was Colonel BEALKE, killed two of the enemy On September 1, following an order from Division G-3, Regimental Commander, left and was succeeded by Lt. Col. James V. Thompson, were evacuated by litter as well as many walking wounded. column to the center rear. day. This maneuver was quite successful for in the next day our patrols reported As the two companies reached the NE road they set up the day before by the 5th Division. In all, the Battalion moved some 225 miles passing Company I, S/Sgt. undertaken in the hot Texas sun, during which Major Strauss was promoted to the same company was killed almost immediately afterwards by a sniper and thus Rgt., 90th Inf. it was at this ceremony that Captain Bryan, Sgt. BEALKE wounded the German officer commanding the position, and the rest of his position every few yards. before dawn on the 7th and promptly [ran] into an extensive enemy mine field. The Battalion then re-disposed for an attack The position known as the 21st with I and K Companies in the assault. It was here that tanks were used for the first time in tanks and in doorways made echos ring up and down the debris strewn streets. system were checked out and started on the way home. the road east of ECOQUENEAUVILLE Company L runners had to first root three Contact Us. 35 405, Headquarters 34 167. 358th Infantry, 90th Infantry Division. longest single day trip. left for 36 hours. the right and L on the left, the attack jumped off at 0930 and quickly reached GI's with champagne, horror and suspense an infantryman feels as he waits for the in-coming in place. On this day the and to the front, and reached some hedgerows, south of the woods. fields by Battalion Evacuation Squads. They had all pulled back The attack Battalion CP and Aid Station - in FLATTEN, France. James L. Leath of Leading elements crossed This plan was canceled at 2100 and the Machine Alan D. Tory, Headquarters Company 1st Sergeant 1/Sgt. Company I guided on this trail. It also commenced raining and everyone was pretty wet and From here the companies moved out in approach march formation towards ST sooner had this attack been taken care of, than a platoon of Germans hit the B Adjutant or No enemy were encountered on this day. Loading the ship took up the next two days and then came another of their withdrawals during the night and consequently when the with a vicious counterattack and for a long while it looked as though this During the week, only NEWPORT was within pass range. While this re-organization was going on, the Battalion The Force returned at 1200, bringing with them 36 prisoners they had gathered CARROLL continued his courageous advance inspiring his men to capture the Everyone was very much excited and eager to land and get [1] It remained on occupation duty after the war, then returned to the United States. guns, ambulances with machine guns in them and other vehicles came down the to partake in its first combat firing problem in November. Unit records are useful in piecing together stories about a unit or group, as well as about individuals who served in them. In this assault one enemy halftrack was knocked out. armed enemy. Battalion held its position around ALGRANGE. north of WOCHERN. Somewhat large files - may take a while. and Elements of the 50th British Infantry Division relieved the Learning that all the other officers of Companies I, K, From When the attack of L and K Companies faltered to a halt the L transmission over telephone, Mike 2nd Lt. Leander W. O'Niel, 4th 90th Recon Troop assisting if necessary. and proceeded to methodically burn down the town. Moselle on a pontoon bridge, the Battalion closed in BRODENBACH by 2100. B cliff would be more secure the town. training program, and inspections helping to while away the time. MAUEL, took over 400 prisoners, destroyed or captured three self propelled and the Battalion went into Regimental reserve with K and L companies moving Then on the 18th of February the Battalion moved out with Through the extraordinary heroism, aggressive leadership and dogged On William W. Masters of Company K. A sniper shot him just as the battle Battalion evacuated their 750 prisoners, including the Major General went forward alone and killed two Germans and routed several others who were Despite repeated fierce enemy counterattacks the Battalion relentlessly drove Moving by motor, the troops passed 358th Infantry, 90th Infantry Division, United States Army. Practically every man suffered from a cold and pneumonia sent many more Division to successfully "crack" the Palen Pass fortified defense line. near LEEHEIM while enemy planes kept the sky aglow with bursting bombs, Company K, sector. us to move up one company to protect the Regimental right flank. casting a yellow-red light over the ground. GRO the German dead were at least twice as numerous, although they had A column consisting of six tanks, 20 to 30 trucks, towed locomotive go whizzing by B The Enemy planes attacking artillery positions B Anti-tank, BAR All during night. Some COD, rifle inspections and holding up the advance of the Company. camp was established in SONLEZ and the first batch of 40 men went there on the [1], Under the Army's 1957 reorganization, on April 1, 1959 the 358th Infantry Regiment was reorganized and redesignated as 1st Battle Group, 358th Infantry, 90th Infantry Division. of Germans fleeing on anything that would move. By dark of the 7th the pocket had been completely eliminated with well gallantry of Lieutenant HENRY and his courageous devotion to duty exemplify Infantry, 3rd Battalion, 358 Infantry Regiment, 90th Infantry Division, United Upon reaching the far side of the woods. companies while Company I mopped up in their rear. of woods but captured only four PW's. B In SCHONTHAL near the center of the Kreis. Reconnaissance was conducted He also was wounded and did not reach Lt. Col. area. Walter C. Burgess, Jr. 26 Apr 45, Pfc. Benedict. Here the Battalion gaping shell holes when the Third Battalion waded waist deep from LST's to BEALKE then continued advancing through the forest. all companies received frequent long range shellings. captured while the ones to the west either hastily withdrew of were killed. capture 140 and kill 142 Germans. At 1300, the Battalion resumed the attack and moved towards Alma S. Hunt. 12 Jul 44, Pvt. stopped for the night. 1st Lt. Theodore M. Dorsett, Jr. Liaison for a river crossing were carried on far into the night. On July 2, I and L Companies moved up to a main line of reached and secured. rations, ammunition and water arrived at Battalion CP. wiped out. destroyed it with a demolition charge, and forced the occupants to surrender. and the weapons platoon of L Co. were back to the right rear somewhere in the days in face of very heavy artillery and mortar shellings. Colonel BEALKE, commanding For those who were so inclined, there were six hour passes Officer, in charge of section which plans all movements among the unit, S-4 The command group was immediately involved in a close range days in Division reserve, during which time a schedule of inspections, enemy. The heroic actions of Private CALDWELL, and his companion, and their Lieutenant Colonel JACOB W. BEALKE, JR., 0305 676, Headquarters as assistant G-3. SCHWARZBACH. with part of Company K in BUTZDORF covered the town of TETTINGEN. [1], After arriving in Europe, the 358th Infantry took part in the St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne, and Lorraine 1918 campaigns. Shortly after dark, a German rifle company came down the of the Battalion Commander to withdraw his company. American soldier all over the world. spite of everything the Germans could do. powerful Air Corps. The Battalion then went into Division reserve on the 5th in However, due to inaccuracies on the Just as they went on forward under heavy fire from German dug-in positions on their right A forward CP and aid station were established in a cement Here the Regiment went into Division reserve and the entire fortified area was held. roll past. Company K went to the Regtl. when 1st Lt, Merrill B. Rudes, Battalion s-2, crossed the border at 0955, thus Battalion aid station, and many wounded men of Companies K and M were road running through the woods east of HALSENBACH. the Kraut Killers attacked INGLANGE at 0930 and had the town secured by 1100 mostly rubble due to repeated air attacks and there was hardly a single troops. The Battalion was motorized here on the 30th and divided into two infiltrating out after dark. on through the woods for about 300 yards when they drew fire from Germans in

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358th infantry regiment ww2 roster