
1909 tornado outbreak

National Weather Service The description of the tornado path by Grazulis does not match the reports in the Nashville American and Williamson Herald, which indicate the tornado passed around 1 mile south of Franklin, not north as Grazulis wrote, with heavy damage in Hillsboro, Southall, on Carter's Creek Pike, between Winstead Hill and the Battleground Academy on Columbia Pike, at the Historic Carenton Plantation, and on Lewisburg Pike. Nashville, TN500 Weather Station RoadOld Hickory, TN 37138615-754-8500Comments? Two more people may have died in rural areas near Fayetteville. The path of the cyclone at this point is about 300 yards wide, and was accompanied by a heavy rain and thunder and electrical display. FROM THE WILLIAMSON HERALD NEWSPAPER: The second tornado that night struck at 11:15 p.m. about four miles southwest of Nolensville. NWS Shade trees and orchards suffered greatly. A relief committee was organized with John W. Young, Elkton R. 1, as chairman, and in a little while enough funds were in hand to provide food and clothing to supply the immediate necessities of those who had lost everything. Show. 1 could not continue on account of the wreckage of the roadways. The tornado likely began in Humphreys County based on the information by Grazulis and the Nashville American. A total of 22 people were killed in that area (Giles County), and seven near "Millville" (Lincoln County). The deadliest tornado touched down just south of the Tennessee-Mississippi state line in Desoto County and tracked east-northeast for about 125 miles (201km) across Shelby, Fayette, Hardeman, Chester, Henderson and Decatur Counties. - Dickson County was swept by a terrible storm last night, and as a result more than fifty houses lay wrecked today, and the damage to property will run far into the thousands of dollars. The Tri-State Tornado occurred on March 18, 1925. 11 deaths were recorded in the Missouri storm, 5 near Texas City and 29 along the Alabama-Tennessee state line. The tornado tore apart eight or nine farms and damaged or destroyed 25 buildings in Charlotte. FROM THE NASHVILLE AMERICAN, MAY 1 1909, PAGE 10: ALGOOD, Tenn., April 30 - At this place, four miles east of Cookeville, the Southern Methodist church was demolished. 22 others lost their lives that fateful night across Middle Tennessee in tornadoes that struck Montgomery, Robertson, Rutherford, Wilson, Grundy, and Fentress Counties. Aftermath of deadly April 1909 tornado outbreak in Centerville, TN (Tennessee State Library & Archives) 62 people were killed in the outbreak, with 31 of them dying when a massive F4 tornado. However, the party living in this was away. FROM THE NASHVILLE AMERICAN, MAY 4 1909, PAGE 5, "THREE CHURCHES DESTROYED": ALEXANDRIA, Tenn., May 3. With the exception of several street lights being burned out, the damage at McEwen was slight. As the storm moved eastward, it cut a path into the Southall community, causing major damage and dealing additional death blows. Houses and barns with their contents, orchards, fences and timber make up a large list of valuable property much of which was literally blown out of existence in a few seconds. Based on all of this information, the path start and end points were adjusted, path length increased to 30 miles, and path width increased to one mile. This is the first storm of the kind that ever visited this section, although in 1878 much timber was blown down. Twenty-two others lost their lives that fateful night across Middle Tennessee in tornadoes that struck Montgomery, Robertson, Rutherford, Wilson, Grundy, and Fentress Counties. B. Barnes'. The writer went across the country to Sulphur Fork, following it up, and through Charlotte, on the west side of town. Only two houses were left standing. This list does not include F0 events. Dickson was left to the right of the storm's pathway, and fortunately little damage was done here. Will McGrew's family consisted of ten. Many Nolensville residents said it was the worst storm to ever strike there -- even worse than the notorious cyclone of 1900, which had cut a path only a few hundred yards wide. Eight-year-old boy of Paulina Farris, colored, Centreville. A relief committee was organized with John W. Young, Elkton R. 1, as chairman, and in a little while enough funds were in hand to provide food and clothing to supply the immediate necessities of those who had lost everything. - The house of Bush Brown, on Hurricane Creek, three miles from McEwen, was destroyed by a heavy wind last night. - The little town of Smyrna was close to the path of a terrific storm that swept through this section last night, causing much damage to property, and it was miraculous that no lives were lost. FROM THE NASHVILLE AMERICAN, MAY 1 1909, PAGE 10, FROM M'EWEN: M'EWEN, Tenn., April 30. The tornado proceeded over across the Lewisburg Pike area, out Murfreesboro Road, and by 11 p.m. struck for a final time, near Clovercroft. Will Ross Lackey, Jr., and Esq. W. S. McLaurine's baby were also killed. Houses and barns with their contents, orchards, fences and timber make up a large list of valuable property much of which was literally blown out of existence in a few seconds. The home of Tobe Cunningham stands directly between the two churches and has withstood both storms without any especial damage. It cut a huge path over a mile wide through the area. One person was killed near Nolensville and another near Walterhill. It is reported that three white people are killed about two miles further down the trail of the cyclone, but this statement has not been authenticated. It is impossible to obtain details, as the wires are all down. -92-93 Daily Journal, Stevens Point, WI. B. Thompson lives was blown across the street and his barn turned over, but his family was not hurt. You can see his full report here. The property loss cannot be estimated. The storm extended over many states inflicting damage on widely scattered communities from the Great Lakes to the Gulf. Owing to the fact that all telephone and telegraph lines are down it is impossible to get the details of the damage wrought. About 75 homes were damaged or destroyed at Centerville, and losses totaled over $100,000. The track of the cyclone was about a mile in width, passing across the country from west to east and north of Murfreesboro. At Trinity, about seven miles west of here, the damage is beyond description. Coming as it did near midnight, when the people generally were asleep, many barely escaped in their night clothes. This tornado is estimated to have begun southwest of Statesville, then moved east-northeast into DeKalb County, passing 2 miles south of Alexandria before ending near Smith Fork - roughly around 15 miles. The old Henry Wade residence, a two-story frame buildings, was demolished, and also several cabins on the place. At Leiper's Fork, in Williamson County, a mother and three children were killed in their home. Will Hudson, another farmer near Charlotte, lost his barn, and had several head of stock crippled by the storm. For a strip more than two miles in width along the railroad between here and Tennessee City, and on through that portion of the county traversed by the storm, scarcely a tree is left standing, but all lie as flat as if rolled over by some immense road roller. A thorough reading of newspaper articles came up with a total of 17 deaths and 43 injuries, with 9 deaths and 32 injuries in Hickman County and 8 deaths and 11 injuries in Williamson County. Four people are known to be dead and two are missing, supposed to have been blown away as their home was demolished. Questions? It went on record as an F2 tornado. For several minutes it was as bright as the glare of a noonday sun with this setting, the wind terrific in force and volume halted at no obstacle, and in its path it left an imprint on everything it touched. This historical footage of Oklahoma's worst-ever tornado outbreak was assembled using News 9's on-air broadcast along with storm tracker footage and some images/interviews with viewers. The most terrible cyclone in the history of Giles County struck with great fury between 11 and 12 o'clock Thursday night. As it moved into Williamson County it eventually passed just south of Franklin causing 8 deaths and 11 injuries. FROM THE NASHVILLE AMERICAN, MAY 1 1909, PAGE 10, "AT WATERTOWN, TENN.". It is seldom our mountain country has such a cyclone. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Elam Tucker, who lives at the old Suttle place, near Aspen Hill, lost his barn, also Will Coon, Billy Widene, and D. Biles, and the tenant houses on the Phillips place, south of Tucker's, were wrecked. The total list of those killed in Giles County, so far as could be learned the day after the storm was eighteen white people and four negroes, making twenty two in all. The path of the cyclone at this point is about 300 yards wide, and was accompanied by a heavy rain and thunder and electrical display. Affecting particularly the Mississippi and Tennessee Valleys, it killed over 150 people, 60 of them in the U.S. state of Tennessee alone. But the daily mail from Charlotte brings a letter from Circuit Court Clerk J. J. Taylor to the effect that about twenty-five residences were destroyed there. A large oak tree was lifted bodily and blown across it, crushing in the roof. This large tornado then passed 2 to 3 miles south of Nolensville, moved 1 mile northwest of Florence Station, passed over Wards Mill (also called Evans Mill or Nice Mill) around 4 miles southeast of Smyrna, then damaged homes and barns just south of Walter Hill. Coming as it did near midnight, when the people generally were asleep, many barely escaped in their night clothes. Their household effects are destroyed. The top of the house was blown off and Mrs. Cox was thrown by the wind into the garden a short distance away. It then completely blew away Webb & Crawford's Planning Mills and the stock house of the Cookeville Roller Mills. The total damage cannot be accurately stated, but it will go into the thousands of dollars in this section. A colored child on W. R. Anderson's farm was killed, making the fourth death so far reported. Andy Beshear said Saturday. A latter report comes in from Hillsboro, a small place northwest of here that several people had been killed, however, this is not authentic. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The home of Mrs. Ward escaped any serious damage. CYCLONE BRINGS DEATH AND DESTRUCTION Many Lives and Much Property Lost in Giles County. Miss Jennie Kelso, Fayetteville; killed by live electric light wire. FROM THE NASHVILLE AMERICAN, MAY 4 1909, PAGE 5, "HEAVY DAMAGE AT CHARLOTTE": CHARLOTTE, Tenn., May 3. Besides the loss of property, which is now estimated at $100,000, seven known dead are reported, and injured. SHAMBURGER (2016): Despite the death of the child and significant damage to the two homes in Perry County, this tornado was not included in Grazulis' book Significant Tornadoes 1680-1991. Among the towns affected were Horn Lake, Mississippi, where about half of the fatalities were recorded, and Whitehaven, Tennessee, where the tornado damaged 30 homes. On May 30, 1909, the Zephyr tornado touched down close to the town of Zephyr. Submit a Storm Report; Briefing Page; Outlooks; Hazardous Weather Outlook; Detailed Hazards; Local Storm Reports (Text) Local Storm Reports (Graphical) Severe Weather Mode; Current Conditions. The F-scale rating, path length, path width, and injuries are all estimated from the reported damage in the Nashville American, indicating the tornado began near Decaturville, moved through Perryville, and ended northeast of Linden. Great injury was done forests. Damage: The tornado outbreak of late-April 1909 was a deadly tornado outbreak that affected much of the central and Southern United States between April 29 and May 1, 1909. All NOAA. On Lick Creek the house of Frank Hunter was badly wrecked and one member of his family blown for a short distance without serious injury. Rutherford County was visited last night by one of the most destructive storms of many years. It is impossible to estimate the property loss, probably not less than a hundred thousand dollars. Damage: C. H. Whitney's barn, in the track of the storm, was blown down and Rural Carrier Morgan's horse was killed in the barn. The home of the widow Speight was also destroyed. The storm was about two miles south of Alexandria, and the following farmers had their barns demolished entirely or unroofed: James Dinwiddle, J. S. Turner, J. D. Griffith, Oby Jenkins, G. G. Gibbs, Vick Groom, Bob Vannatta, John Midgett (two), Mort Foutch, and Hanison Self. - Following the trail of the storm which passed through Centreville April 9, the tornado last night between 10 and 11 o'clock was one of the most appalling that has visited this section probably in half a century. Will Ross Lackey, Jr., and Esq. Result of the Work of the Storm in Dickson County": DICKSON, Tenn., April 30. Mrs. Welch and son, Byron, sustained slight injuries, the former being hit on the head and the latter had a gash cut in his cheek. The largest national tornado outbreak was the Super Outbreak of April 26-28, 2011, which spawned more than 300 tornadoes across the eastern United States. Coming into Robertson County the storm struck the barn of Mrs. Laban Warfield on the place occupied by Mr. Duff. Striking the residence of Prof. W. H. Hooks it blew away all of his residence except the kitchen, his stable, outbuildings and shade trees. Others moved to towns like Elkton, which is the closest incorporated town to the area, Lancaster said. Many narrow escaped from death are reported, but only one person is known to have been injured, an old lady, Mrs. Upchurch, but the extent of her injuries is not known FROM THE NASHVILLE AMERICAN, MAY 1 1909, PAGE 4, "SMYRNA IS STRUCK": SMYRNA, Tenn., April 30. The two main outbreaks alone were responsible for at least 145 of these tornadoes. - The heaviest rainfall in years, accompanied by high winds, has fallen here since midnight last night. Current Hazards. And the tornado also injured 70 people as it traveled through the county, Lancaster said. One brick home was completely demolished. (Bud) Hardy, Mrs. Louie Gordon, who was living with her mother, Mrs. Eliza Wilkinson, was cut and bruised about the face and arm. That tornado alone caused an estimated $100 million in damage and the loss of 33 lives, which was only a fraction of the total damage caused by the Super Outbreak. The house was completely torn to pieces. The McConnico Church southeast of Franklin was also heavily damaged. The time of the tornado was adjusted to 8 PM and the path width added as 300 yards based on the newspaper articles in the Nashville American. FROM THE NASHVILLE AMERICAN, MAY 1 1909, PAGE 4, ALGOOD SECTION: The worst storm that has visited this section for thirty years passed over this section about midnight. The missing are Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stevens, whose home was torn to pieces. A large number of cattle and hogs were killed and telephonic communication south of the town has been entirely cut off. Ab Hays, of Nashville, who was visiting Joe Rosson's family, near Port Royal, was seriously hurt by timbers, and died this morning. A large warehouse and storehouse were wrecked. One negro family, Nancy Smith and two children lost their lives in the wreckage of their little home, and one of Till Bledsoe's children was killed. As soon as neighbors could be informed of the disaster, they hastened to the relief of the suffering. Many Lives and Much Property Lost in Giles County. FROM THE NASHVILLE AMERICAN, MAY 2 1909, PAGE 4, section FOUR DEATHS IN MONTGOMERY: CLARKSVILLE, Tenn., May 1. FROM THE NASHVILLE AMERICAN, MAY 1 1909, PAGE 2, section "NUMBER OF HOUSES WRECKED - Cookeville and Surrounding Territory in the Path of the Storm": COOKEVILLE, Tenn., April 30 - A storm of cyclonic effects struck this city last night about 1 o'clock. Hardest-hit areas were in and around Pulaski, Bryson and Fayetteville. April 29, 1909 Tornado Outbreak Weather.gov> Nashville, TN> April 29, 1909 Tornado Outbreak Current Hazards Outlooks Submit a Storm Report Decision Support Hazardous Weather Outlook Detailed Hazards Local Storm Reports (Text) Local Storm Reports (Graphical) Severe Weather Mode Current Conditions Surface Observations Satellite [2], The April 1909 outbreak was part of an active and deadly year nationally for tornadoes. - The most horrible catastrophe ever known in Lincoln County was the cyclone which passed through the county last night about midnight, wrecking homes, destroying lives and injuring a large number of citizens. The Elk Cotton Mill was damaged about $5,000. A horse owned by Rev. Due to the proximity to the county border, this tornado likely began in Overton County, but the article does not mention any damage to confirm this. NUMBER EIGHT - THE ZEPHYR TORNADO - MAY 30, 1909 Tornado number 8 formed somewhere close to the town of Zephyr, in Brown County, near midnight and destroyed large parts of the town during the early morning hours, leaving little to view except vacant lots. Another family lost five or six members of its family, as well. The most frightful wreckage and loss of life occurred in the little valley through which passes the road from Bunker Hill to Bryson, and in which were located the homes of Bud Guffey, Will McGrew, Lee Smith, J. S. Bryson and others. Franklin, Tenn., Apr. A damage rating of at least F2 intensity seems likely based on the newspaper descriptions. The three churches - the Cumberland, the Methodist and the Baptist - also the schoolhouse, were blown down and destroyed. Here it blew away the barn in which Duff was sheltered at the time, breaking three of Duff's toes, but otherwise he was not injured. In Tennessee, the town of Locke was mostly destroyed by the first F3 tornado. A path about 100 yards wide was swept clear of timber. Bob White's house was blown from its foundation. The cyclone wrecked the house and killed Mrs. McGrew and six children, while Mr. McGrew, a son and a baby escaped with serious injuries. Mrs. Berry (sic) Prosser, near Fayetteville; fatally injured. Only two houses were left standing. 6 Feb. 2021. Dickson was left to the right of the storm's pathway, and fortunately little damage was done here. The next place in Tennessee was the farm of Mrs. Kate Wall, where all the fences and outbuildings were blown away and considerable other damage wrought. A few barns and other outhouses were totally destroyed, and a dwelling occupied by Sol Bates, near Linden, was utterly demolished, several members of his family being more or less hurt and one child was killed. It was around 10:15 p.m. when the first of these tornadoes came rolling out of Hickman County into the White Oak area, just across the county line. One-half of the house where Attorney J. This massive tornado then passed into Lincoln County through the northern suburbs of Fayetteville before lifting northeast of Fayetteville. The storm struck the county line just opposite Perryville, and traveled a northeast course, passing about five miles to the north of Linden. Mail service over Route No. The tornado was a mile wide at times, and its winds reached 300 mph, putting it at the top of the Fujita scale for tornado intensity. W. C. Greer lost his large barn and two mail hacks. We interviewed our tech expert, Jaime Vazquez, to learn more about accessible smart home devices. NWS When the tornado outbreak was over, at least 62 people had been killed across Middle Tennessee, and over 200 more were left injured. and Mrs. W. S. McLaurine, Mrs. Ella King, widow of the late Mit King, collar bone broken, Hiram Usselton's baby, seriously, perhaps fatally hurt, George Hardy, son of T. J. The storm seems to have entered the county from the southern side, passing between this place and Tennessee City. Dickson, Tenn., Apr. We interviewed our tech expert, Jaime Vazquez, to learn more about accessible smart home devices. While it was estimated to be an F4, some reports indicate that there was more than one tornado. 63 people lost their lives, and more than 200 were injured from a total of 12 tornadoes. SHAMBURGER (2016): Based on the narrative by Grazulis and the reports in the Nashville American, the path of this tornado was adjusted to begin on the Humphreys County border around 9 miles west of Dickson, pass between Tennessee City and Dickson, go through Charlotte, and end between Charlotte and Bellsburg. The tornado is included here with an estimated F2 intensity and 2 injuries based on the destruction of the Bush Brown home south of McEwen. Telephone lines are a mass of wires and poles. This tornado likely continued into Logan County, Kentucky, but no information is available. It eventually passed just south of Franklin causing eight deaths and eleven injuries. In its track, which was about half a mile in width, practically all timber was uprooted or twisted to the earth. - This section was visited by a cyclone last night at 11 o'clock, leaving suffering and destruction in its path. Web. The storm seemed to reach the proportions of a tornado at a late hour of the night, sweeping from northeast to southwest, carrying down many farm buildings, but fortunately it passed through a sparsely-settled section and in about twenty minutes it completely reversed its course, turning from the northeast to the southwest, and many of the buildings were blown back in the opposite direction. Ten homes were destroyed. The clouds rolled like tremendous waves out of the southwest, and the thunder's crash was deafening, while the electric flashes played incessantly, lighting up the dark-canopied earth like a refulgent monster meteor.

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1909 tornado outbreak